• lets pretend we're in love •

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Dan woke up to someone petting his hair, his brows raising slowly as his eyes opened gently, yawning and burrowing into the soft warmth with a sleepy I thought you'd be gone...

"Do you want me to go?" The man's voice was soft, a level under quiet; it made Danny hesitate with a soft blush before rolling a hair band off his wrist and tying his hair back.



An awkward silence followed and Dan itched for a conversation, he needed to talk or smoke, probably both. His mind was tired but it was bound to wake up, and he knew that his mind would fill with his addiction.

He didn't want that. He had finally found a distraction, a way to distance himself. He needed more time to himself with this man.

"How much do I owe you..?"

"Maybe a date or two. Some coffee?"

"I'm serious."

"So am I."

Danny blushed and looked up at the man, furrowing his brows with a soft I don't even know your name...

"Many people don't." The man spoke smoothly with a smile, stroking dan's cheek gently.

"I wanna be in the minority." Dan spoke more confidently than he had in months, settling a hand on the man's toned chest.

The man laughed gently, "Fine, my name's Oliver."

Dan grinned and rolled onto his back, curling his toes as he stretched out like a cat, letting out a soft groan, "Cute name for a cute guy, maybe I will go on that date. Coffee?"

"I'd prefer a sweet treat, something tan and lithe and beautiful~" Danny let out a husky giggle as Oliver's hand travelled down his chest and between his thighs.

"Mhm, ask and you shall receive~"


Dan walked into a small café with Oliver, holding his hand with a soft smile as they stood at the counter and ordered.

Dan had made sure it was a café the others never went to so he could stay relaxed with Ollie.

Can I call him that?

He walked to a table near the back and blushed gently at the muffin he hadn't asked for that Oliver had graciously gotten for him.

"Thank you, Ollie." Danny watched closely for a reaction, sipping his coffee.

"No problem." He smiled kindly.

Nickname Ollie is a go.

"So," Oliver's voice brought Dan from his head, "what's your favourite colour?"

"Starting simple?"

"The simplest."

"Fine, blue."


Danny laughed gently into his coffee, blushing and rolling his eyes, "what's yours then?"

"Sarcoline, maybe smaragdine." Oliver's voice had an 'uppity' tone to it.

Dan raised a brow and chuckled into his cup, tilting his head, "Those aren't real, are they?"

Ollie laughed gently, "they're real, sarcoline is like your skin tone and smaragdine is like... A dark turquoise."

He set his coffee down and shrugged with a smirk, leaning back carefully in his seat, "you're just trying to show off."

"I'm serious!"

"And I don't smoke weed."

Ollie smirked and Danny melted gently, his heart warming.


"Guilty pleasures?"

"Winnie The Pooh. Most old time-y cartoons."

Danny smiled and rolled his eyes, linking their fingers gently with a coo, "I never really watched cartoons as a kid, but Pooh Bear was relatable."


"I like sticky sweet stuff."

Ollie groaned and laughed gently, rolling his eyes, "Piglet was my favourite. Shy and sweet and Pooh's best friend."

"Maybe you could be the Piglet to my Pooh."

"Deal you some sweet honey? Sure."

Dan's happy but not for long >:3

I have the next two parts planned in my head so it shouldn't take too long tbh (hopefully)

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