• i need a miracle to bring me back to you •

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Danny was shaking. His hand unsteady on the key board, in need of another blunt. But he wasn't able to smoke, not now. His mind was blurring and his eyes were unfocused. He couldn't handle this.

He shot up from his seat, murmured a hoarse I have to go... and rushed out of the office without a second glance, visibly frazzled.

As he reached his car, a soft, warm hand settled on his shoulder, causing him to jump in shock and let out a hoarse shout, turning around and frowning when he saw his addiction.

It spoke gently, the words flowing gently out of the cracked yet plump lips.

A R E Y O U A L R I G H T ?

His mind raced, looking in to the warm caramel eyes before he tugged his shoulder away and backed up against his car with a meek y-yes...

The addiction looked hurt, its eyes swimming before it spoke again, this time much softer.

I ' M H E R E F O R Y O U . . .

Danny nodded rapidly before getting into his car and driving off as fast as he could, his hands tight on the wheel.


Danny leant back in his seat and let out a happy moan, the blunt burning away in his fingers as he took a puff, his mind clouding and a state of euphoria washing over him, bringing him a pure state of pleasure.

This is amazing... he said to himself, I must complement whoever grew this bush...

Suddenly, there was a knock at his door; but he didn't panic, he just called out a breathy come in~ and leant back casually, smoking the blunt more.

Then the roll was gone and a worried yet furious face was in his own, too high to see who it was, just grinning wide and cooing a playful well hello~

The face seemed to grow a stunning shade of puce before a muffled why do you do this to yourself? came out, Danny still couldn't identify who it was, and he presumed it wasn't his addiction, so he spoke freely, his tone high, playful and slightly slurred.

"'C-cause m'in love~" he chuckled dopily, grinning to himself as he laid back more, slumping in the seat more.

There was an uncomfortable silence in the air until a muffled I'm staying here, tonight. You obviously can't be trusted alone if you're turning to drugs rather than your best friend came from the unknown figure.

Daniel blinked slowly and furrowed his brows, thinking that he didn't have any best friends.

Then he realised it was most probably Brian or Ross and just shrugged it off, mumbling a slurred S'okay... it's better I don't turn to you anyway, bro... he chuckled to himself and began to yawn, stretching out his limbs.

Suddenly, a hand was on his arm and he was being gently lead to his bedroom, he leant into the warm hand and let out a childish giggle before being laid down in his bed, the plush pillows giving him an inviting warmth to snuggle into.

He did so and eventually fell asleep under the watchful gaze of the unknown person.

I Tried To Give You Up, But I'm Too Addicted.Where stories live. Discover now