• cant you see? I love YOU •

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Danny's hands were shaking. Again.

He wanted to leave. Again.

He needed to smoke. Again.

Danny needed to get out of this room, his mind was spinning and he felt like throwing up.

Why does this have to happen to me..? He thought, I tried to be a good person, why did I have to fall in love?

He was curled into the corner of his room, looking at his feet and pulling at the tattered carpet idly, sniffling every so often, shifting uncomfortably due to the fact that his addiction was staring at him and he could see three sets of feet under the door.


The voice didn't seem as disorientated as he usually heard it, making him cower into the corner even more from his own personal fear of the one man he wanted to care.

"Danny, please..."

He was too scared to answer, shaking, his eyes brimming with tears.

Suddenly, a figure was next to him and a pre rolled blunt was held out in front of him, a soft and soothing if it helps you talk to me then smoke, okay?

Daniel took it without any hesitation, lighting it with shaky hands and taking in a large puff, coughing gently before blowing it out, instantly slumping in relaxation.

His eyes brightened a little as he grinned, humming and smoking casually, the blunt burning a gentle orange at the end.

"A-are you okay to talk now..?" Arin, (Danny was more comfortable now, and decided that he didn't need such an immature name currently), spoke softly, a hand settling on the elder's shoulder.

Danny nodded limply with a breathy chuckle, sighing happily with a slow yeah~

The elder watched Arin's facial features sadden before it went blank, only a twinge of what he felt before being shown. The younger sat down so they faced each other, taking the large, slender hands in his own and ignoring the blunt between two of the digits.

"Why do you do this, Danny..?"

The elder took one of his hands back, sucked in a large puff and let it out before settling his hand back in the smaller, softer one; "Cause I love someone..." he murmured, closing his eyes and trying to settle back into his high, not wanting to come out of it so early.

"Can you tell me who..?"

Daniel Avidan was high, not stupid. He knew what Arin was trying to do but only replied with a soft no rather than freaking out about it, his mind bubbling.

Arin visibly slumped, Danny immediately wanting him to leave so he could relax in his high.

"Why not?"

Danny narrowed his eyes and slowly took his hands away, showing that he didn't want to talk anymore, taking one long puff and blowing it out at the floor, the smoke fanning up and creating a musty filter to the elder's vision.

Arin was stumped and Dan was done.

I Tried To Give You Up, But I'm Too Addicted.Where stories live. Discover now