• i dont wanna be your friend, i wanna kiss your neck •

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"What do I do?"

"Be honest. We've all been very stressed recently so I don't think we can handle much else."

"Honest to who, though?"

"Suzy, first. I mean, she's your wife."

Arin sighed and rubbed his temple, "okay, dude... I'll talk to you tomorrow..."

"Bye, and good luck."

"Thanks." Arin hung up and leant back in his chair, a notebook of messy doodles and scribbles on his desk, holding his head as he frowned.

I love them both. What do I do?

"Arin? Dinner!"

He got up slowly and frowned more, going downstairs and rubbing at his eyes weakly, huffing gently, "smells nice..."

"I was thinking we could have something nice, like an extra cheat day. A movie... Some finger food..."

Arin looked over the living room table and cooed at all the mini versions of his favourite food, cans of fizzy drinks and a bottle of alkaline water on the floor next to the couch, "whoa..."

Slim arms wrapped around Arin from behind and a chin rested on his shoulder, "I feel like we just need some us time, y'know..? I've missed you..."

Arin turns around gently and pecks her lips lovingly, smiling and stroking her cheek, "that sounds great, babe..."

They sat down together, immediately locking limbs and picking at the food, watching the movie intently.

Arin closes his eyes and goes into his own head, stroking suzy's hip lazily as he thinks about everything.

Danny. Suzy. The cats. Barry. Brian. Danny. Ross. Danny. Suzy. Danny. Danny. Danny. Danny.

He shot his eyes open and frowned, gulping and sighing shakily.


Arin looks down at Suzy and gulps, smiling weakly, "yeah..?"

"What's wrong?" Her eyes are filled with love and worry and Arin nearly breaks down, shaking gently and looking away.

"Nothing..." He pets mimi as she jumps onto the couch, gulping gently.

"Are you sure..?"


Suzy pauses the movie and frowns heavily, sitting up with him, "tell me."

Arin sighed gently and looked at the wedding ring on his finger, frowning gently and sighing shakily, "I... I..."

Suzy took his hands and smiled soothingly, "you can do it..."

Arun nodded gently and linked their fingers together gently, "promise you won't get upset..?"

Suzy frowned and sighed, "Arin, please just tell me..."

Arin looked to the side quietly before murmuring a small I-I think I'm falling for Danny... I-I... I like him a lot... And listening to the soft silence that followed.


"I still love you, don't get me wrong..." Arin gulped, "but I like him too..."

Arin watched Suzy as she sat there in silence, slightly teary as she nodded slowly, "promise."

Arin bit his lip, "promise what?"

"Promise that you love me."

Arin nodded rapidly, "I promise."


"I talked to Suzy yesterday..."

"How did it go?"

"I don't know. She didn't really say anything, she just made me promise that I loved her."

"And do you?"

"Well, yeah."

I Tried To Give You Up, But I'm Too Addicted.Where stories live. Discover now