• the voice in my head says you wouldnt care if i died tonight •

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Dan blinks gently and sits in his room, his notebook open in front of him and tear drops staining the paper, they continued to trickle down his cheeks, soaking the collar of his shirt as he breathed steadily, the tears picking up. He knew it wasn't healthy to cry this much, but Arin said its always okay to cry.

And who's there to stop him anyway?

Barry and Arin are both doing business stuff, Brian has a family, Ross is tending to an ill holly at home and suzy's off being Suzy somewhere.

Dan stands up quietly and wipes at his eyes, going to the hall and stretching gently, grunting and going to the kitchen as an alarm sounds on his phone.


He opens the fridge just as the doorbell rings; he pauses before opening the door quietly.


"Hey, Dan! I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me?" It was Suzy.

Danny blushed and looked at his outfit, "can I, uh, get changed?"

Suzy held up a paper bag that smelt of greasy food and cholesterol, "don't worry about it, lunch has come to you~"

Dan blushed and grinned gently, nodding and opening the door wide for her, "fine..."

She skipped through happily, Danny's gaze being drawn to the jacket around her waist.

That looks like arins shirt... I wish I could wear his shirts.

"So, how've things been with you?"


"Everything been smooth?"

"Yeah." Dan sat down next to her on the couch, picking up one of the food items from the bag.


Danny ate slowly, flushed bright as he watched Suzy turn on the tv from the corner of his eye, sighing softly and leaning back.

"So," Suzy crooned, "how are things going with the band?"

Danny picked at his food silently before murmuring a soft s'okay...

Suzy frowned softly and tilted her head, "something you wanna say..?"

Dan shook his head, "no!" He blushed, "no..."

Suzy smiled softly with a gentle coo, "hey, that's okay..." She nuzzled up to the older boy, "you don't have to say..." She kissed his cheek and closed her eyes.

Dan sat there in silence with a bright blush, sighing shakily before wrapping an arm around her waist she's my best friend, we can cuddle...

Suzy stroked through dan's tangled hair and grinned sleepily, pecking his lips, "you're very handsome..."

Dan widened his eyes and sunk down with a hoarse y-you're married..!, his cheeks glowing a bright crimson as he gulped and watched Suzy straddle his body gently and link her hands in his shirt, his torso moving up from her grip.

"It hasn't stopped my husband from having feelings for you, though. So why can't I see what all the fuss is about? I have to agree with him anyway, you're very pretty..." Suzy crooned, grinning cat like.

Danny laughed weakly, "alright... W-where are the cameras..? The joke's over..."

Suzy leant forwards with a soft no cameras~ before kissing him again, giggling.

Dan shook his head and slipped out from under her, walking away with a weak this isn't funny, Suzy! Before tugging at his hair.

It's not like it's true, he would never love you.

I'm so tired have this I have something else in my head so I'll try to get it out by the end of the week lmao peace

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