• and who did you love when he smashed you to pieces? •

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Then there was a rush of sound.

Dan slowly stumbled back as he took his hand from his shirt, staring at the blood shining on the digits as he slid down the fridge, mouth agape.


He looked up slowly, furrowing his brows and smiling weakly at the sight of Barry and Arin, blood slowly beginning to pool around him, "h-hey..."

Dan's mind was going at a hundred miles an hour, hands beginning to shake and tears beginning to fall, the sight strange for Barry and Arin.

"I'm gonna die..." Dan's voice was broken and hoarse, each word cracking gently.

He looked up slowly as arin rushed over with Barry, each man kneeling with him as Barry pulled out his phone, calling an ambulance.

"You're not, dude, it's gonna be okay, you're gonna be able to sleep at home and we can talk and just make everything better! You're not gonna die!" Arin was reaching hysterics as he grabbed a cloth from the side and pressed it down hard, hands shaking, his head sweaty.

Dan cried out gently and grit his teeth, gripping arin's wrist and immediately sobbing, frowning heavily, arin's touch triggering something inside of him, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry for leaving... I'm sorry for doing this..."

Arin frowned heavily and cradled Dan close, petting his hair and pressing the cloth down more, kissing his temple and crying gently, "Its okay... You're here now... You're okay..."

Dan sobbed weakly and smiled, flexing his left hand so he could attempt to keep the feeling, gripping arin's shirt with the right one, shaking gently as Barry put his phone down.

"They're on their way, buddy, please stay with us, you're gonna be okay... Your room is clean and I've kept the garden nice for you to look at..." Barry was shaking as he spoke, trying to keep his composure as he gripped dan's bloody left hand.

He started shaking and he closed his eyes, holding both hands with a slowly loosening grip, Dan was losing his hold, the rag on his stomach already soaked through with blood, "th-that sounds... Nice..." He smiled weakly and hiccuped, melting into arin's warmth as his vision grew dark.

Arin panicked, "no, dude, Danny, stay with us, come on!" He laid Danny pack and stroked his hair, his own tears dripping down onto dan's cheeks as he sobbed.

Dan smiled weakly and ran his hand over arin's hair with a weak murmur, closing his eyes and stilling as people ran into the room, holding a stretcher and more equipment.

Arin let out a shout, "Danny! Danny what did you say?!" He sobbed brokenly as Barry pulled him away gently, shaking and gritting his teeth as he whimpered.

Danny was laid in a hospital bed, tucked in neatly with an oxygen mask over his face, his skin pale and his body thin and bony, the copious amounts of weed having caused him to lose track of time and skip meals.

The whole group were sat in the waiting room, Vernon and jack sat together for comfort, Arin and Suzy hugging and talking idly, Brian sat alone and Holly, Barry and Ross sat together.

They all waited for word on their friend, they had contacted his family and it would be an understatement to say that it was heartbreaking when Debbi started sobbing and Avi went dead silent.

Everyone needed Dan, especially arin.

He'd lost weight, cut back on sleep to search for him, he was a mess.

When Dan opened his eyes, the doctors immediately notified all of his friends. He laid there silently and just stared at the ceiling.

I'm in a hospital. Where's Ollie? Where's arin and Barry? Am I dead?

He tried to sit up but his limbs were too heavy, he tried to speak but his lips were chapped and his throat was sore.

He looked to the door slowly when it opened, the entire group walking in as the doctor spoke.

"He may be slightly unresponsive."

All sounds were muffled for Dan, he played with the sheets quietly as he tried to pick out each voice. Chairs squeaked around him as he attempted to speak, jolting gently when a hand slid into his own, linking the digits together.

Danny stared at the ceiling and teared up, two hands resting on those hands, the same happening on his other side.


He teared up as he spoke, "I'm sorry..." A few tears fell.

He felt big smiles radiating and closed his eyes as he began to cry more, gripping the hands as tight as he could, "w-why're you smiling..?!"

Suzy stroked along his bony fingers and smiled sadly, "because we're proud of you... You accepted our help and apologised..."

Danny smiled and it was simultaneously the most heartbreaking, beautiful thing Arin had ever seen.

I Tried To Give You Up, But I'm Too Addicted.Where stories live. Discover now