• who knew something as beautiful as you could completely destroy me •

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Daniel Avidan woke up to a splitting headache and a warm mug of hot chocolate on his bedside table, he sat up slowly and took the hot, milky drink, sipping at one end raising a brow at the note that was obviously tactfully placed under the mug.

Come out when you're ready, I wanna talk to you. – Noot

Danny panicked.

It was ARIN last night...

He finished the drink before pulling on some black skinnies, a random V-neck and his leather jacket, stuffing a few blunts into his pocket with his lighter before going to the balcony adjoining his bedroom. He carefully climbed down the fire ladder and made his escape.


He was sitting on the end of a long, wooden pier, his legs dangling down and the heels of his shoes barely skimming the deep water of the murky lake.

He took a long puff of his blunt and let out a low groan, then frowning when the blunt was gone from his fingers and warm arms wrapped around him, his face being smothered by a comforting chest, the voice was muffled, making it hard to tell who it was.

"You idiot!" the voice sobbed, the top of the druggie's hair becoming damp from tears, "you scared me! I thought you had disappeared or been kidnapped or..."

Danny blinked, his eyes clouding with tears as his arms hung limp next to his cold body until he gave up and slumped against the other, gripping his shirt tight and crying silently into the soft material.

Soothing words, that's all he could hear.


When Danny woke up, he didn't know where he was. His eyes were misty and his mind a searing white, a ringing going through out his ears.

Suddenly, a hand waved in his face and he realised he was at home. In his own bed.

With his addiction next to him.

He bolted out of bed and to the door, trying to tug it open before realising it was locked from the outside, sinking against it and pawing at it weakly.

His addiction touched his back, causing him to jolt away as if his skin was being peeled off, letting out a shaky don't touch me...

I Tried To Give You Up, But I'm Too Addicted.Where stories live. Discover now