Chapter one

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Percy's POV:

The sun shines brightly down on Camp Half-blood. Waves lap the shore endlessly. Younger campers run around, playing, laughing, enjoying the peace. Older, more serious campers work on re-building the buildings that were destroyed in the war. Overall though, everyone is having a good time. Travis Stoll walks up to me, looking dismayed. My hand immediately goes to my wallet, its still there, something my be horribly wrong if he missed the chance to pick my pocket. "Hey Travis" I say as casually as possible, given the circumstance. He winces visibly.

"Erm, hi Percy, Chironwantsyouatthebighouse." He gulps and tries to run off. I just manage to grab the back of his camp t-shirt before he disappears into that oblivion where children of Hermes go after they commit a crime.

"What do you mean?" I squawk (yes, Heroes of Olympus can squawk thank you very much.), "I think you've got the wrong guy Travis."

"Well, unless you know of any other guy who answers to the name Percy Jackson..." He trails off uncomfortably.

"Fine." I stalk off. My minds wirling. Maybe he just wants to say hi? In my heart I know its not true, I know, somehow, its not good.

"Oh good Percy, you came. I was worried Travis wouldn't be able to find you." Chiron greets me, "We have some visitors." He gestured to a tall, stern looking lady, who would have looked a lot more intimidating if she hadn't been wearing a black pointy hat. "This is headmistress McGonagall, from Hogwarts school of Witch craft and Wizardry." He announced.

I replied with something real intelligent like,"Okaaaay, I think the nearest asylum is about half-an-hour away. I'll tell Argus to grab one of the vans if you want." Chiron gives me a glare, not as bad as say, Nico's but still pretty bad.

"Percy this is not a joke!''

"I didn't say it was. I merely stated that this is insane and this lady needs to get to a nut house. ASAP!" Cue another glare. He looks at 'Headmistress McGonagall apologetically. How can you have two expressions at once? I mean Janus can but this is Chiron. I didn't like Janus he was sooo weird. He was all talking about doors and stuff. Hecate talked about doors to Hazel. Hazels gotten so powerful with the mist. I want to learn to control the Mist to. What was I talking about? When I tune back in the lady's talking. "So this year, at the recommendation of Chiron, you will be teaching at Hogwarts." She looks at me expectantly.

"Sorry, what did you say." I ask sheepishly.

"Weren't you listening?" She snaps at me.

"No." is my oh-so-awesome answer. Because everyone knows honesty is the best policy.

"Fine. I'll tell you again. In future,I expect you to pay attention the first time Mr. Jackson." She pauses to glare. Whats with all the glares today? " For a period of one year you will be the teacher of our Defense Against the Dark Arts."For obvious reason I burst into hysterical laughter,"You want me to TEACH!" I manage to get out between laughs. McGonagall looks at me for a moment then speaks, deadly serious, "Yes, yes I do."


Sorry about spelling mistakes, moms calling me for dinner but I wanted to get this published. With any luck I should update once or twice a week. I'll try and make my chapters at least 500 words. Just so you know both Weasley twins are alive and well, but Snape and Dumbledore are dead (sorry). If it doesn't make sense, leave  comment or something. Oh, my titles kinda lame so if you can think of a better one please, please, please tell me.Thanks for reading! Please comment, vote and follow!  

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