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Hi, I'm your evil author who isn't actually updating. Blame the guy who tagged me. Here you go:

Nickname- I go by my full name

Eye color- blueish grey

Hair color- blond

Randomness- I want to go BASE jumping which is like skydiving off cliffs, tall buildings, bridges ect... I get really Really REALLY angry when a problem that could be solved isn't (like, why do cars still use gas?!? There HAS to be a better solution!). I have lived overseas more than half of my life. I'm homeschooled.

Favorite color-BLUE!!!

Favorite place- I love Poland, Spain and England (North Yorkshire)

Favorite song- Um, In The End (Black Vail Brides), Monster, Warriors, Ready Aim Fire (all Imagine Dragons), Young Volcanoes (Fall Out Boy) and I Lived (OneRepublic) are just a few I like.

Stupidest thing I've ever done- I have so many things to choose from! Reading the whole of the Order of the Phoenix on a school night was dumb, jumping off a dock into a crowded water way was dumber, falling off a bridge was dumber still, trying out for the lead roll in the school play was the epitome of stupidity (Only because I got it.). The other day I was in the grocery store when I tripped over my cart and did a rather spectacular fall (the old lady behind me was distraught trying to see if I was all right while the kid in the other line was bemoaning the fact he hadn't gotten it on camera.) I walked into the same wall 3 times in one day last week. So yeah, I've got plenty to choose from.

Favorite book- ALL OF THEM!!! Top 5 would have to be the Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians), Mark of Athena (Heroes of Olympus), Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter), The Iron Trials, The Heist Society (If you haven't read it its by Ally Carter and is EPIC!!!). Well, that's 5 but I could go on all day.

Favorite movie/TV show- I never used to watch TV but I have seen the light! Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D, Merlin, The Flash and The Arrow are my favorite TV shows. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, The Avengers, Captain America: The first Avenger (My cats name is Bucky :D) and The Amazing Spiderman just to name a few of my favorite movies.

Extra- My favorite character in Heroes of Olympus is Jason Grace, wait, hear me out! So he's spent his whole life without parents. People say he's no fun, but truly he had no childhood, he was the little boy in the legion. Everyone was older than him so he likely had no friends. And imagine how good he must have been to rise from that little boy to praetor! And doesn't the world need a little more honor, a little more respect? They may not be popular traits but without them our society would collapse. Face it, if you met Percy you most likely wouldn't like him (at first, once you got to know him you might...) but Jason is the person we should all strive to be. He is good for the sake of good. He is honorable because that is what is right. He's not afraid to make the tough call. He's a leader, but one who people impossibly high expectations ( because of his dad), ones he can never hope to meet. If you think he's to uptight then feel bad for him, after all, we're all only what we were made to be. People say they want to be like Percy, they want to be like Annabeth, but I want to be like Jason.

There you go! I'm tagging:










I'd tag more but luckily for you my brain is fried. Bye Random Strangers! 

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