Chapter 6

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Percy's POV:     (know I've done him a lot, but...)

After the boy, Harry, drops me off I immediately go to IM Annabeth. She might not even know I'm gone yet! "Oh Fleecy, do me a sold, show me Annabeth Chase." The rainbow swirls and an image of the-one-and-only Wise Girl shows up. "Percy!" She grins, "I haven't herd from you in forever! Why haven't you IM'ed me?" Luckily she doesn't really look mad.

"Well Chiron had this quest he needed me to go on for Hecate at a wizarding school and now I'm a teacher here for the year." Best to get it all out at once I guess. She stares at me for a moment.

"You, a TEACHER!?!?!"

"Uh-huh." I wait for her to blow up.

"You have to be joking!"

"No, their really are wizards."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you, Perseus Jackson, are a TEACHER?!?!?!" 

"Duh, but aren't you a little more surprised about the whole wizard thing. As in these people wave sticks and, ta da?"

"Well, its not that surprising, Hecate probably blessed some mortal way back when and, in your own words Seaweed brain, ta da. But honestly, who made you a teacher???"

I gape at her, "So, you aren't mad?" hopefulness creeps into my voice.

"I know how stubo- er, persistent, the gods can be. Its not your fault. Now I just need to convince Chiron to let me come and teach!"

"K, you better hurry though, my first class is tomorrow, and I dunno what to do!"

"You'll figure it out, you always do. Remember that time, when we'd first met, on the Grayhound? And how we had no plan? But it worked out. Didn't it?"

"And in Mt. St. Helens, when you kissed me? Was that planned?" She blushes deeply, "Heres what I'm taking from this talk, Never, Ever, Under ANY CERCUMSTANCE have a plan." I grin. She facepalms. Her dads voice drifts up the stairs.

"I gotta go Percy, IM me tomorrow?" She asks regretfully.

"Yeah, go kick some California butt!" I laugh. She rolls her eyes.

"Your so immature." She teases.

"That's why you love me." Cue another eye roll.

"See you!" She calls, and then she's gone.

Slowly I get ready for bed, thinking about her, thinking about what to teach, thinking about how on earth I'll get through a whole school year. It takes me a long time to fall asleep.

Hermione's POV:

Harry takes ages to get back. Apparently he had to show the new teacher where his rooms were. Now I really wished we'd waited, there's something, different, (for lack of a better word) about him. Not bad different, just, different different. I say nothing to the boys, who head up to the dorms yawning. My dorm feels empty without Lavender, it just me, Parvati and Fay. My trunk is, as normal, already here. Parvati's not gossiping, she was always more of a follower than a leader. Maybe she'll be nicer now that Lavender's gone. I immediately feel awful, she died, for crying out loud! Crawling into be I feel disgusted at myself, just because we didn't get along doesn't make her a terrible person. She wasn't a saint, but she fought bravely. We all did. I fight a privet battle against tears. They threaten to spill as I remember how kind Lupin was, how clumsy Tonks was, how annoying little Collin was and how much we hated Snape. One of the many people I judged unfairly. Like I did Ron, and now look at us. Maybe we shouldn't hate anyone. No, there's Voldemort, and we can hate him, cant we? But maybe there was another side to his story. He never had parents, a father figure, someone to teach him right or wrong. He was evil, but was it the worlds fault for making him that way? No. His crimes were unforgivable. Maybe he had a tough life, but so did Harry. He's not mass-murder.Still, I decide not to judge the new teacher till I get to know him. Who knows, maybe not even then. With that thought in my head I drift into a dreamless sleep.

Sorry, I decided half way through that I didn't want to make Hermione bad. But I didn't wanna re-write. So, sorry if you think that last paragraph is kinda, blah. Just so you know I most likely won't do and Ron POV's as I find him really hard to do, just read Obliviate (I cringe when I see his POV, honestly, its awful!). So if you want stuff in his pov this probably isn't the story for you. Also, sorry about the rather crummy Percabeth conversation. It could have been worse, I guess? So please vote, comment, follow, it makes me glad to see people actually read my randomness! See ya (actually I wont cuz, you know, this is all online and your random strangers, but...), bye! 

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