Chapter 16

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Percy's POV:

The library is actually really nice. Warm fires in the hearth, a calming silence, pleasant, old bookish smell. I can see why someone might want to spend time in here. No relaxing for us though. Hermione marches confidently toward the back of the room, eyes facing strait ahead. She skids to a halt in front of some book that look like they haven't been looked at in century's, "Here we are, ancient Greek primordial." Her fingers skim lightly over the spine of the books, kind of like Leo does, did, to machinery, seeing what's inside with out having to open it. "Nyx and Other Personification's of Darkness." real cheerful, you know? She grabs a couple more and starts handing them to me and the other guy. "Hey! How am I supposed to read this if its not even in English?" Ron sounds indignant.

"Ronald, don't be rude! Just get on with it." She flips her hair. "Boys." I peek over his shoulders and the text is indeed in Greek. I quietly take it from him, slipping him my own, English, book. Greek's much easier anyway.

"This is strange." Hermione says, "In Greek literature Erebus is sometimes shown as a primordial deity. This theory is, in fact, false. Erebus is a region of the Underworld, where newly deceased spirits pass from the land of the living to the land of the dead. There have been several instances in the past whereas powerful, angry spirits attempt to leave, or raise Erebus."

I stare at her in awe, "So what your saying is, we're not looking for a who, we're looking for a where?"

"That's what its beginning to sound like."

"So we've got to go to Erebus, find the angry spirit and subdue him?"

"In theory. But from what I've read no mortal hero ha-"

"That's not a problem." I cut her off, "We just need to know which spirit is causing a stir and then I've got an old friend who can take care of it. So, know any mad newly dead people? Probably someone who really didn't want to die. That maybe has a score to settle. Or someone who has something to fear from judgment?"

"Hum, that's a tricky one." Harry mutters, sarcasm  dripping from his voice, "There's this guy, what was his name? Voldemort, who wanted to be immortal and hated my guts. He was also one of the most powerful dark wizards to ever live. Fit the profile?"

"Sounds like our man. Did he have really mean parents?"


"Well who names their kid Voldemort? I mean come on!"

"Well," Hermione starts, "He was actually called Tom Marvolo Riddle, you see, if you mix up those letters what do you get." She looks at me expectantly. I stare back blankly. A big sigh later and, "Voldemort, I am Lord Voldemort. You see, when he left school and started on the path of a dark wizard he no longer wanted to be the good school boy, so he changed his name. When he reappeared as Lord Voldemort almost no-one recognized him, he had changed that much. He was a murder. A torturer. He was the personification of evil. He killed Harrys parents." I blink several times.

"I think its well over-due for us to pay Nico di'Angelo a visit." I say mysteriously. And with that we head out of the library.


Ha HA! I bet you weren't expecting that! Do you like it? I'm not sure if I do or not. The thing was so many people have done versions of this I needed something different. So here' a question I keep asking and no-one answers! Do you want longer (1000 words ish) chapters twice a week or shorter (500 ish, like I'm doing now) every other day or so? Personally I find it annoying when a chapter is to short but I also hate it when I have to wait forever for an update. Thank you so much for reading Random Strangers! VOTE! COMMENT! FOLLOW! GOODNIGHT! 

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