Chapter two

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Percy's POV:

After this startling announcement Chiron told me to go pack up, because Headmistress McGonagall would be taking me back to Hogwarts with her. Before I could even open my mouth to protest Chiron puts up one hand warningly "Yes Percy," He answers my unasked question, "You must go, to keep the peace . And no Percy, you may not tell of your being a demigod. If any students ask of your blood status you are a half-blood." Again I open my mouth to speak, this time he doesn't stop me, "But saying I'm a half-blood is just like saying I'm a demigod, right?"

'No Percy, in my word a half-blood is half wizard, half muggle, or 'mortal'." The headmistress says.

"But I cant do magic!"

This time Chiron answers, " All demigods are born with the ability to do magic, because the gods created the wizards, thus you, as their children, have all the powers the wizards have, and more."

"So why haven't I realized this before!?!" I ask indignantly.

"Most demigods merely write it off as a side affect of being a half-blood."

"So those times I've done things that don't really make sense and don't really have anything to do with the ocean..."

"Magic." He confirmed.

"Where is this school?" I ask curiously.

She sighs and gives me a do-you-ever-listen look, "As I said before, its in the north of England."

"What!?! How will I get there every day???"

"You'll live there."

"no, No, NO!" I growl, "I am NOT leaving!"

Chiron looks at me sadly, "I'm afraid I don't remember giving you a choice." I gape at him for a moment and storm out, I can just hear Chiron say. "He'll come around."

Angrily I storm to my cabin. The day doesn't look so nice anymore. Wizards. First demigods, then Romans, now wizards! What next? And did it have to be today. I mean come on, couldn't they wait a couple of months? But nooo, it had to be today. Annabeth's going to kill me. My moms going to through a fit. Piper will likely feel bad for me. But Leo'll laugh his face off . Joy. I grumpily through Camp t-shirts into my suit-case. Of course it couldn't have stayed unpacked for more than a few weeks. That would have been to easy.

Annabeth's gone to visit her family for the month, so she isn't here. I end up leaving her a note with Malcom, her younger brother. He looks both sympathetic and annoyed. Slowly I trudge back up to the Big house to meet back up with Chiron and McGonagall. She never answered me about how I'd get to the school. Hopefully they won't make me fly, otherwise we'll have fried Percy all over the Atlantic. A younger kid comes up to me and asks if I'm really going to teach at a magic school. I confirm that this is true. He tells me to behave myself because he has three golden drachmas on my lasting for at least a week. The Stolls are saying half-an-hour. What a vote of confidence. When I enter the Big House Chiron smiles at me greatfully, "I see you've packed."

"Yeah." Is my not-so-cheerful response.

"Oh good." Headmistress McGonagall grabs my arm. Suddenly I'm spinning, being pushed through a tube to small for my body. I briefly think, so this is what its like to die. Maybe Charon will go easy on me because he knows me? Or maybe he'll be extra harsh, because he never got that pay raise? All this passes through my mind in a split second. Then it over, the Headmistress it dusting off her cloak. "Welcome to Hogwarts." She smiles.


Thanks for reading! Don't get used to updates every day, I'm just so exited about having a new story! If, like I said, you have a better title of cover please send it to me! If you have a character of event you would like to be in here post it, I have no set plan for this story yet. No hate, but constructive criticism is welcome. Please remember I'm a 13 year old girl, not a professional author, so this won't be perfect. I will do my best. Any huge holes though please tell me about, I can try to fix them. Please comment, vote, follow! See you!

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