Chaper 5

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Hermione's POV:

I was so glad when we were invited back to redo our 7th year. Because honestly, how would we ever be able to get a good job if we never took our N.E.W.Ts? Ron and Harry were less pleased than me, but eventually they came around. The ride to Hogwarts was uneventful, though slightly bittersweet. Unless I become a professor (which I don't plan on.) I will likely never start another year at Hogwarts.

I chatter with Harry and Ron on the way to the great hall, trying not to register how many people can see the Thestrals (spelling?). When we get to there I immediately look to see who the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is, because Professor Snape died last year. To my surprise, and horror, its a boy, no older than 17! "How can he teach us?"  I hiss at Ron.

"Dunno, maybe he's really powerful or something?" He replies.

"If he's so powerful then where was he during the war? And where did he get his education?"

"He probably was fighting somewhere else. I'd assume he went to Hogwarts, don't you think?"

"No, of course not! He's practically our age, we'd know him if he'd come here!"

Harry cuts in grimly, "We were convinced Snape was bad, and look how he turned out. Lets at least give him a chance."

I want to stay mad at him, but then Headmistress McGonagall starts her speech. Normally I'd merely give him death glares but the headmistress speaks about those who died in the war and the price of our freedom. My eyes are so full of tears that I stop watching the new DADA teacher. This year the sorting hat issues no warning. In fact its song sounds an awful lot like the one from my first year. Maybe its the hats way of saying things are going back to normal. Wouldn't that be nice. Headmistress McGonagall introduces the new teacher as Professor Jackson, and he actually interrupts her to tell us to call him Percy! How horrible! The feast is delicious. Harry digs into the treacle pudding. Just like on our first night.

When the feast ends Headmistress McGonagall calls Harry to the front, we signal that we'll wait out front but he shakes his head, "go".

"The last time he managed to get in trouble so early in the year was when you flew that wretched car to school in your second year." I laugh."

"That was so great! Until we crashed into the Whomping Willow..." Ron trails off, "I do wonder what happened though." I nod in agreement.

Harry's POV:

When McGonagall calls me back I'm worried, though I know I've done nothing wrong. Have I? "Hello Harry," She greets me, "You look well. I have a favor to ask of you, do you mind showing Profes- Percy, back to the DADA classroom. He's only been here a few hours and the castle can be hard to navigate." She looks at me expectantly.

"Sure, its on my way anyway." I decide. Not like I really had a choice.

"So your the new Defense teacher?" I ask, trying to start a conversation.

"Looks like it." He responds.

"Your American?"


"Where'd you go to school." He pauses, such a small pause hardly anyone'd notice.

"Camp Half-Blood."

My heart sinks, "So your big on blood status?" He looks at me quizzically.

"Not really, so long as you're, you know, magic."

"So whys it called Camp Half-Blood?" He shrugs.

"Dunno. I didn't name it. We're silent for the rest of the trip.

"Thanks- I'm sorry, I never got your name." He looks embarrassed. Shocked, I respond, "I'm Harry Potter."

"Oh, nice to meet you Harry."

I'm so surprise I nearly trip, but I walk off. He's a little weird, and seems very powerful. Buts he's nice. I thinks he's going to be a good teacher. Maybe, for once, Hermione's wrong.


Yet another chapter. Tried some new POV's. Hope you liked it. Thanks for reading! Still looking for a new title/cover. Comment, Vote, Follow!

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