Chapter 10

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Percy's POV:

The next morning I actually get to class on time. First I've got a bunch of midgets. They're hopeless at it! Honestly, not a single one of them shows any potential! Maybe all newbees are like that? After an hour of blundering around trying to keep them from killing each other I'm ready for a break. But now I've got the 8th years. I wonder if they did they're homework. I wont blame them if they didn't. What a horrific project to have to do on the first night back! I sink onto my chair and wait for the students to arrive.

Hermione's POV: (Sorry for changing, I needed them both!)

At breakfast I head quickly up to Harry and Ron. "You'll never believe what I saw last night!" I start.

"What?" Ron asks curiously.

"Well I was doing some extra reading for Professor Percy's class," Ron rolls his eyes, I carry on," and I came across something rather strange. It makes absolutely no sense." With a flourish I pull the Greek book out of my school bag and look at the boys in expectation.

"Um, its that book you were trying to get Ron to read last night..." Harry trails off in confusion. Sighing in exasperation I open it to the last page.


"Demigods," Harry starts, "The offspring of a god and a mortal. Wait, whys it forbidden?" His eyebrows scrunch up in confusion.

"I don't know, but I think it time to get out the old invisibility cloak again Harry."

"Or you could ask Percy, he seems to know a lot about mythology and stuff. Maybe he knows something about demigods." Ron remarked. For a moment I stare at him in amazement.

"That's brilliant Ron! Absolutely brilliant!" I give him a hug, causing him to turn an interesting shade of cherry red. After a few moments of his awkward stuttering we head off to class with a laughing Harry.

We have a simply wonderful Transfiguration class with the new professor Vimes. He's nice enough, not as good as McGonagall though. Finally its time for Percy's class. We've decided to ask him at the end as to not disturb the lesson. After a fun hour of re-moving the tables, me getting 10 house points for suggesting a rotation for homework checking and trying not to get killed (first by Malfoy swinging his sword everywhere and then by Percy trying not to kill Malfoy.) we head up to the front to ask our question.

"I was in the library the other day, in the Restricted Section, and I read something rather odd about a bit of rare magic, and I thought, perhaps, you could illuminate me. It's called, as I understand it, horcrux.  Hahaha, No? Ok, fine. Be that way. Here's you actual question.

"So I was resurching your paper last night professor, and I came across something I thought was really weird, so I was wondering if you could explain it to me?" I ask.

"Sure." He grins agreeably, "I'll do my best to help you out." Pulling out the book I open it to the last page. His eyes widen in shock.

"Well I was wonderi-" He cuts me off.

"No, I cant help you." His face is tight with, what, worry? Fear? He sweeps into his rooms and slams the door behind him.

"Well that was strange." I manage to blurt out.

"Bloody hell! What just happened?" (guess who said that?) Ron exclaimed.

"What do you think he's hiding?"

"Dunno, but he definitely recognized the term. That's a start at least." Harry interjects.

"Yeah, come on we'll be late!" With that we rush off to our next class, the Professors strange behavior momentarily forgotten.


I know its short, but its like 70degrees outside and sunny so I hurried a bit. I laughed a lot writing this chapter. Probably will go back and edit it at some point. Please comment vote follow. Its so encouraging to see people actually read this stuff. Goodbye for now, random strangers!

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