Chapter 12

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Percy's POV:

I skip lunch. I go down to lake to sulk, sitting there for like three hours. Finally I stop moping and decied to go to the library. Now your probably thinking, since when did Percy go to the library? Well, Annabeth mentioned Erebus, and I haven't a clue who he is. And I might not see her- no, I will see her again. I have to. But still, I head to the library.

When I walk in a lady, the librarian I guess, gives me a glare. Oh well, I still need her help, "Hello, err, I was wondering if you have and books on Greek mythology?" I ask.

"Yes why do you need it?" She asks suspiciously.

"Some students asked about it and I wanted to be sure I gave them the right information." I mentally pat myself on the back for coming up with such a great lie on the spot.

"Well, what do you need?" She looks impatient.

"Do you have anything on Erebus?" Its the moment of truth, will she believe my  lie, will she call me out? But she just sighs, walks off, and comes back a few moments later with about a million books. After thanking her I head back to my room.


Greek Name Transliteration Latin Spelling Translation

Ερεβος Erebus Erebus Darkness (Erebus)

Σκοτος Skotos Scotus Darkness (skotos)

EREBUS was the Protogenos (primeval god) of darkness, consort of Nyx (Night), whose dark mists enveloped the edges of the world, and filled the deep hollows of the earth. His wife Nyx drew these mists across the heavens to bring night to the world, while his daughter Hemera scattered them bringing day : one blocking out the light of Aither (shining, blue heaven) and the other revealing it. The bright upper air (aither) was regarded as the source of day in the ancient cosmogonies rather than the sun.

The name Erebus was also used for the dismal, netherworld realm of Hades.*

Wow, that's not confusing at all (please note sarcasm here.) So basically Erebus is the old bad guy darkness? Mother Earth doesn't sound bad at first look. This guy, on the other hand, does. There is really very little on him though. Where was he imprisoned? Or maybe he never was? I just don't know. Then someone knocks on the door, "Who is it?"

Harry's POV:

After lessons we decide to go see Percy. Why would he act like that? And then he didn't show up for any more of his classes? When Hermione suggests going to check on him me and Ron instantly agree. We're silent on the way there, all stuck in our own thoughts. Upon arriving I knock, "Whos there?" He calls.

"Oh, its Harry, Ron and Hermione." I glace nervously over at my friends, what if he refuses to let us in? A sigh later though, and he opens the door.

He looks awful, his eyes blood shot, his face grey. But there's something else, his eyes, they're, I don't know. He looks as if his whole world fell down. Then he speaks, his voice scratchy from, crying? "Guys, I need your help."


First, Erebus is not going to be like gaia, because there's hardly any info on him I'm having to make most of it up. The stuff about him is from somewhere on the internet, I'm not sure where... Sorry its so short. Would you rather short updates every couple of days or longer ones like once or twice a week? Please comment vote and follow! Oh, and can you write a comment if you actually read this, because if you don't there's really no point to writeing these. See ya Random Strangers!!!

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