Chapter 8

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Percy's POV:

As I crash into  my classroom I silently thank Chiron for making me do so much running. Who'd of thought I'd be using it to get to class on time? I'm not even breathing hard by the time I get there, though most, ok, all the students are already here. "Hello class." I mutter, trying desperately to figure out what I'm going to teach them. Hmm, maybe that would have been a good thing to do last night. Oh well, I'll wing it. Several kids are looking at me with distaste. "Uh, welcome to Defence Against the Dark Arts. We wont be practicing magic this year,"

All the kids groan, "Not another Umbridge!"

"Another what?" I ask, confused.

"Umbridge, the worst teacher ever, she was horrid. She didn't let us do magic, made us carve words into the back of our hands if we made her mad, and loved the color pink." Says the boy from yesterday, Harry.

"Ouch, well I can assure you I'm not going to be like her. This year you'll be learning sword fighting."

"Why'd we ever need to know that?" A greasy looking blond kid in a green tie asked disdainfully.

"An exelent question Mr-" I looking at him questioningly, trying desperately to think of a sane reason I'd be teaching them sword fighting. 

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

"Well Mr. Malfoy, to answer you question, what would happen if you were disarmed, or lost you wand, or there was a creature that your wand didn't work on?"

"Like a dragon?" A bushy haired girl pipes up.

"Yeah, Miss-"

"I'm Hermione Granger." I'm more than happy about her interruption, because I know so little of the wizarding world.

"So I need you to, ugh, move the desks to the side of the room, staking them 3 tall. No magic!" Everyone groans, and sets to work.

The greasy kid from earlier comes over, "I will NOT do work like a common muggle!" He lifts his nose.

"Ok, the doors over there." I point.

"What?" He looks confused.

"Well, if you aren't going to take part in my class you might as well leave."


"Go on." I goad, " Or stay, and do the, as you put it, common muggle work."

Bright as a cherry he huffs, "Fine! But my father will hear about this!" I guess this is supposed to intimidate me or something, but its all I can do to keep from laughing.

"Alright then, you do that," Then in a louder voice I add, "Slytherins have just volunteered to finish, thanks to Malfoy here." Half the students cheer and the other half groans. You can guess who did what.

It takes nearly 15 minuets to clear like 10 tables. I cant believe it! I then tell them to get into pairs. "This term you will be working on you strength, co-ordination, and basic stance." Wow, that actually sounded planned! "Today you'll be learning how to hold a sword." I gesture towards a bucket of dull practice swords in the corner, "Grab one of then, go back to your places and, uh, try not to hit anyone on the head." A few kids laugh, that's good, maybe I'm not to bad! A short scuffle later and we're ready to start.

Harry's POV:

The new teacher, Percy, is late. Hermione is like a cat on a hot tin roof. When he does arrive it was totally worth the wait. At first it looked like he'd be another Umbridge. But then he said he'd be teaching us sword fighting! Malfoy, of course, sneers, though I'm excited. This would have been so useful last year when my wand broke! It will also be great if, no when, I become an auror. When Malfoy complains about the work he's told to leave! I wanted to cheer! Finally, with a 'my father will hear about this!" he agrees to do it. Percy looks ready to laugh and explains that Slytherins will finish moving the desks. Even Hermione has to grin at that! He then tells us to get into pairs, so I go with Ron. Theres a mad rush to get the 'best' sword, though they all look the same to me. I wait till everyones done to grab mine. The teacher shows us how to hold our swords, and how to stand properly. His sword is a kind of glowing bronze, a lot sharper than ours. After much correcting and 'No don't swing it!'s class is over, but he tell us a very suprising fact, "Ok, good job today! You homework is to do 20 push ups, 20 sit ups and write three inches on the roots of sword fighting. I'm ADHD and dislexsic, so I cant read, so I'll have each of you check another students work. I forgot to give house points!" He crys suddnely, "A point to everyone here except Hermione and Malfoy. Uh, five points to Grifendor for answering questions, Hermione. And 10 points from Slytherin for being a brat, Malfoy," Everyone from my house cheers, "Class dismissed!"

"What a great class!" Ron says happily.

"I'd have to agree, though having us check each others work is a little unorthodox, don't you think?" Hermione replied.

"I think its bloody brilliant!" Today, I agree with both of them.


There you go! Not much point in doing an a/n cuz I just did one but... I'm still looking for a new title and cover. Leave you suggestions in the comments or PM me. Please comment, vote, follow! Thank you, good night! Actually its like 4:00 but... Ok, goodbye random strangers! 

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