The End

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I'm done. I did it! I finished!!! It took me about 5 months. About and hour and a half per chapter, so 34 and a half hours (about.) I would have never finished it without a couple of great people who I would like to thank. First Ye1010lee16 who has commented, bugged me to update and encouraged me so much! Without you I would have been unlikely to finish this year, if at all. Also AnnabethChase553355 who has chatted with me a ton and made me feel more at home on Wattpad. And this list wouldn't be complete without -_Bianca_Di_Angelo_- who was not only the first person to follow me but has also been really kind to me. 

Then there is the rest of you. The 3000. The reason that I kept with this story.  I always thought it was stupid when authors would thank all their 'amazing readers' but now I understand. Without all you guys this story would never have happened. So thank you for sticking with my story. The story that I never planned. The story that I wrote when I needed to. The story which I am absurdly proud of. Thank all you who took the time to comment, you always put a smile on my face. Thank all you who voted, you make me feel like I'm doing something worthwhile. Thank all you who took the time to read this, I know I made spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, I cant imagine 3000 people clicking on my little story! You are all amazing! If you ever feel like chatting I'm always free (except next week ( the 31st through the 6th of July 2016), I'm at camp).In a moment I'm going to change this story from a work in progress to completed. But toady I'm not going to say goodbye to some Random Strangers. I'm going to say good bye to my amazing friends who have embarked on a wonderful journey with me.

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