Chapter three

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Percy's POV:

My head was still spinning but I was attentive enough to know we were not in the Big House anymore. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are we? And how did we get here? What did you do to me? Why are we" I begin questioning her before she interrupts. "Why don't you know? We're at Hogwarts."

"Oh." I glance around. We're in a circular office of sorts. I figure I must have bumped my head pretty hard because the painting look like their moving. Of course that's impossible. Paintings don't move! "Percy, your things will be in your room, you should wear robes to classes and meals. The students are to address you as Professor Jackson. Your schedule will be in your classroom. Teach sword fighting, be a good example." She looks at me expectantly.

"First, I don't do robes. They would erm, be horrible in a fight. Secondly, nobody calls me Professor Jackson, I'm 17!  I don't know where my classroom is, I cant teach to save my life and I've been expelled from seven schools." I list.

"Nonsense. You've never even tried to teach, if it makes you happier we can make an exception about your name, due to your age. I'll get someone to show you to your rooms and I'll only force you to wear robes to tonights  feast if its such a safety hazard." Grinning, I go with the guy she introduced as Professor Flitwick to my room.

Its a good size, bigger than my room in New York but smaller than my cabin at Camp Half-Blood. The walls are roughly hewn stone, the floor covered in thick pale blue carpets. The color scheme is blue and grey. A framed picture is beside my bed on an amazing gray painted end table. Its a picture of me and the seven, one of the last times we saw Leo before he disappeared (A few weeks later he reappeared, with Calypso no less.) We all look really beat up but also so glad not to be alive, per say, but together. After staring at the picture for a while I shrug on some robes. They're awful! Its like wearing a dress (yes, unfortunately I speak from experience...) but almost worse! Its so huge, how am I supposed to fight in this thing??? I end up not totally wearing the 'proper' uniform so I have a pocket to put riptide in. I also having to ask a picture for directions (yes, the do actually move, and talk to.) I'm only just in time.


Just a filler I guess. But its my second today!!! Hope you like it! Its getting kinda long for an intro but stick with it! Should be getting better as I go along. Constructive criticism please! What do you like? What don't you like? Should I do more speech, less speech? Longer chapters, shorter chapters? I dunno what you want, what you like, please tell me though! Once again I'll ask, NO HATE! I hate hate! But advice is more than welcome. Its the weekend so I'm updating a lot, during the week it won't be as often. If there are any glaringly obvious mistakes tell me and I'll fix it (maybe, if I'm not to lazy...). Vote, comment Follow! 

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