Chapter 19

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Percy's POV:

Apperateing is, uncomfortable, to say the least. When we do land its right outside the studio, much to the wizards credit. The other three flash in, Ron looking disappointed at Nico's lack of queasiness. Got to love shadow traveling.  Nico motions for us to wait outside while he checks it out. I cant trust him though. I really want to but just cant. "Lets stick together, wouldn't want anything bad to happen." I say gently. The wizards obviously think this is a good idea but Nico looks fairly upset, "Still don't trust me Percy?" I open my mouth to respond but he beats me to it, "What more can I do? I lead them to the House of Hades like you asked. I nearly killed myself trying to get that stupid statue back to camp. I've been reliable!"

"Look Nico, I'm really really thankful for all that. But I cant forget that time you ran away for months and no-one knew where you were. Or the time you took me to the Underworld to bath in the River Styx and instead sold me out to your father. When I was just starting to trust you, what did you do? Not tell me who I was when Hera stole my memories ! I'm more than willing to forgive you, I believe you've changed. But I'm not willing to risk Harry, Ron and Hermione's safety. I'm sorry." and I mean it.

"Fine, come on." Nico sighs in defeat and stalks into the studio. I motion for the wizards to follow me.

Harry's POV:

I grab Percy's arm and apperate us both to this DOA recording studio place. Nico tells us to wait outside while he checks it out. Percy jumps in, "Lets stick together, wouldn't want anything bad to happen." That seems like a much better idea, splitting up would make us vulnerable. I'm about to say so when Nico burst out, "Still don't trust me Percy?" Why wouldn't Percy trust him? "What more can I do? I lead them to the House of Hades like you asked. I nearly killed myself trying to get that stupid statue back to camp. I've been reliable!" Percy looks  sorry, but not sorry enough to back down.

"Look Nico, I'm really really thankful for all that. But I cant forget that time you ran away for months and no-one knew where you were. Or the time you took me to the Underworld to bath in the River Styx and instead sold me out to your father. When I was just starting to trust you, what did you do? Not tell me who I was when Hera stole my memories!" Why would Percy invite someone so unreliable to tag along?!? "I'm more than willing to forgive you, I believe you've changed. But I'm not willing to risk Harry, Ron and Hermione's safety. I'm sorry." I cant believe he thinks we need protecting!

"Fine, come on." Nico scowls and walks into the uninviting building. Percy motions for us to follow. Inside looks like what I'd expect a normal studio to look like. Lots of people milling around, bad music playing from somewhere. Until I look closer. Then I realize that they aren't normal people. They're slightly see through. Ghosts. Fun. Percy weaves through the crowd as if he'd done this before. I suppose if what he'd told us was true then he must have.

We reach a man in a silk Italian suit whose standing on a sort of pedestal type thing. "Welcome, newly deceased." He monotones. And then he looks up, "Stupid godlings!" He screams, "No, you may NOT go to the Underworld! Stupid Half-bloods, thinking then can go wherever they want when ever they want. Get out of my studio! Oh, Mr. diAngelo, welcome. What can I do for you?" He asks, his voice changing.

"Grant me and my friends safe passage to the Underworld." Nico commands, sounding regal.

"And it is our right, as demigods, to go wherever we want. We can challenge anyone so long as we're brave enough and strong enough to do it. So move over." Percy growls.

"What is it with live godlings wanting to go to the Underworld? I'm afraid I cant help you Mr. diAngelo. Good day." With that the man snaps his fingers and we're all standing outside again.

"Well that failed." Percy sighs.

"I am the Prince of the Underworld! Heir to Darkness! Safe passage is my birth right! Charon, you idiot! Let me in NOW!" Nico starts screaming. Passer byers look at us strangely. Percy lays a hand on the younger boys shoulder, "Nico, calm down." Percy starts.

"Don't touch me!" Nico screams, throwing his hand off.

"Ok, ok, geeze." he turns to glance at me, "New plan, can any of you guys sing?" He asks.


READ THIS!!!!! IF YOU DONT I WONT UPDATE!!!! So, sorry for not updating for ages. I've been working on a story called Borderline that I really need you guys to read! And vote on. So here's the deal, I'm going to post a question down here and then when I get two responses I will update. No matter if its done today or 3 months away. Here's the question: Have you gotten the trials of Apollo yet? I'm starting to read it but don't want to finish! Btw, this is going to be normal now. VOTE< COMMENT< FOLLOW!!! Bye random strangers!

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