I Miss You

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Tikki's POV

"Tikki, what color do you want your dress to be?"

"Black will do fine, thank you Marinette." She gave me a beautiful smile. I'm glad to be her kwami.
The color black reminds me of this cheese lover.

I missed him with all my heart. I sigh at the thought of him.

"Are you okay." Said Marinette.
"Maybe....I'm just missing a friend." I saw Marinette's eyes widen, but then turn into a smirk.

"And who is this 'friend'?" I giggled at Marinette's comment.

"He's Chat Noir's kwami. Poor Chat Noir about having to deal with that cheese lover."

I'm glad to have someone to talk about Plagg.

Does he miss me? Does he love cheese more?

Thoughts like these rambled through my head every day. I want to hug him, like we use too. I want to be with him like we use too.

I wanted a relationship, that never ends. I want to be more than friends.

Plagg's POV

As much as I love Camembert, there is only one thing I love more....Tikki.
Last time I saw her was 200 years ago.
I secretly want Adrien to figure out Ladybug's secret identity, so I can be with Tikki.

"Here's your food Plagg." The thoughts of Tikki made me loose my appetite, because not able to be with her was worse than my grumbling stomach.
"I will eat it later." I saw Adrien with a shocked face.

"Are you sick? Since when did you say no to Camembert? Did you finally got sick of that smelly cheese?"
I sigh, "I'm just full."

Adrien gave me a serious look.

"What happened." I guess he could see through my lie. Who wouldn't?
"I'm just missing someone. Her name is Tikki, she's Ladybug's Kwami."
"And you call me lovesick." I rolled my eyes, because he made a point.

"Shouldn't you be going to school." I said while pointing at the clock.
"We will return to this conversation later."

At class

This is so boring. I hate the feeling of being patient.

I saw something moving in one of Adrien's classmates bag.

Was it possible.

No. This was impossible. Tikki couldn't have been behind us the whole time.

I have to know.

I got of a idea to see if Tikki was in there. I got a eraser, and checked to see if anyone was watching. Then I threw the eraser at the bag.

I heard a small voice, that belonged to my love.

I had to be with her. I need to embrace her in my arms.

I couldn't tell Adrien who was Ladybug. If she wouldn't tell him, I would respect that. Even if I have to listen to him talking about Ladybug all the time.

What a lovesick puppy.

But he wasn't the only one.

"Okay every, I'll be partnering you up with a classmate.
Alya with Nino, Rose with Alix, Chloe with Kim, Adrein with Marinette. "


I felt Adrein pick up the bag. I heard "Ladybug" shutter like a mess.
She must like him. What a love square.
I heard the words, "Great, then I'll come over later." From Adrien.

Here I come Tikki.

Tikki's POV

"Marinette, before Adrien comes you really should take down your posters."

I saw Marinette running all over the place with posters in her hand.
I helped by changing her screensaver, and taking down posters.

We heard the bell ring.

"He must be here. HIDE TIKKI."

I flew over under the bed.
I heard Adrien's steps coming up the stairs.

I'm cheering you on Marinette.
I saw Marinette trying her best not to make a fool of herself in front of Adrien, until I saw a small black figure.
I shook my head, it couldn't be.
I looked more closely, and saw it fly out, when Marinette, and Adrien turn their backs.

It made eye contact with me.
"Plagg?" I said in a whisper.
I saw him fly towards me.
We hug in a embrace. I loved his smell.
"I'm back Tik Tok."
I couldn't help to giggle.
I heard Adrien talk, "What was that?" "Oooooh ummmm, p-probably customers."
I can't believe Adrien is Chat Noir. What a silly love square. Me and Plagg continued to cuddle with each other the whole time Adrien was here.

I never wanted to escape from his arms.
I heard Plaggs stomach rumble.
"Would you like cheese?" I said in a whisper.
He looked at me like pleading eyes.
I giggled.
We got up, and attempted to fly out the door, until Adrien turned around.

We're done for.
His eyes widen from shock. He only focused on me, probably putting the pieces together.
"Adrien, you okay?" I saw Marinette turned around.
"UMMM, this isn't what it looks like. She ran towards me.

"It's a plushy i've been working on, hehe." I saw the nervousness in her eyes. Not from her crush on Adrien, but for me.

Adrien finally spoke up, "M'Lady?"
Marinette attempted to run out the door failed. Adrien quickly grabbed her hand, while staring into her eyes. Which caused papers to fly all over the place.

"I'm not letting you leave again like you do on every mission. I'm going to keep you with me at all times, now that I know who you are." Said Adrien with a smirk.

I saw Marinette blush very deeply. Who wouldn't. Plagg stared into my eyes, "I'm doing the same, but I'm going to love you, because I didn't get too, for the past thousands of years.
My reaction was to hug Plagg.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Marinette, and Adrien kissing.

I was happy for them, but I was happier with Plagg.


I nearly died from the cuteness from this chapter.
GO CHECK OUT MY OTHER STORY, "Crash" (It's completed)

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