Chat Blanc

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Adrien's POV

"It's sad that my wife left me with that demon child. I would've already kicked him out already, but it would've ruined my reputation." I looked over to see my father talking on the phone.

Is that what he thinks about me? Tears begin to roll down my cheek. I quietly ran to my room. I had enough of this. I'm tired of my life. I just want to run away, but I know I can't do that. I can't run away from my problems. I looked at the night sky.

"Claws out!"

Tonight was colder than usual. My feelings overwhelmed me. I let out all the pain I been holding for years. This was my mental breakdown. I poured out my heart and soul into every single tear.

I saw a dark color butterfly coming towards me. Nononononono.
It vanish into my ring. I soon heard a voice in my head.

Chat Noir, join me by giving me Ladybug's Miraculous. I can help you with the pain and give you revenge on every one.

"Yes Hawkmoth."

Nothing changed about me besides my suit and eyes. My suit was the color white while my eyes was a golden yellow.

"Chat? Are you okay."
"I'm better than ever bugaboo."

----------------------------------------------Ladybugs POV

I headed towards me and Chat's meeting spot. It's where we usually start patrol together.

"Chat? Where are you?" I looked around to see where he is.
Weird...he never misses our patrol. He's always here on time.

I finally spotted him, "Chat? Are you okay?" He had a smirk on his face.
"I'm better than ever bugaboo."

This was not Chat.

"W-what happened to your suit?" I pointed my finger at him.
"I just got a upgrade. You like it?"
I shivered in fear. His presence was tense. I never thought I would be afraid of my own partner.

He's akumatized. That's the only explanation.

"Chat Noir, I'm not here to hurt you.....I wanna help."
He gave me a evil smirk, "I don't want your help. I just want your miraculous. It's Chat Blanc now."
I did the only thing I could in this situation.....I ran.

A white human- like cat appeared before me. "Stop running. It's useless." He said in a bored tone. "Chat, I don't want to fight you."
"You won't have to. Just give me your miraculous." I placed my hands on my ears protecting my earrings.

"Over my dead body."

He sigh, "You stupid girl. I'm faster, stronger, smarter than ever."
"You forgot one thing. I'm smarter." I spat back.

"What about the people you love? Don't you think they would be disappointed when they see you this way?!" He flinched for a second. His eyes turned green, but turned back to gold.

"I loved you, but you never gave me the time of day. I don't have a family. My friends don't even know me. I'm all alone, but that's fine. It would be easier to get rid of bugs like you." He hit my stomach with his baton. I gritted my teeth.

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