Color Blind

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I grew up on a cotton plantation. It was me my step-mother, father, brother and sister. We were slaves, our master was Mista John, his wife was my mother's full white sister. See my grandmother Eda, was raped by Mista John's wife, MaryAnn, father. She became pregnant with mom, the same time his wife was pregnant with MaryAnn. My grandmother was forced to have my mother on her own and she would never be claimed by the white man who was my grandfather. Now my momma and Miss MaryAnn grew up, and Miss MaryAnn marries Mista John who's taken a liking to my momma, and just like my grandma, Mista John raped my momma. Then she gives birth to my brother Chris. My father met Momma a little after he was sold. Unlike a lot of families during those times, I was allowed to stay with papa. We were a packaged deal the white man called us. My birth mother died while trying to escape from her evil master. My father was supposed to be with her, but he was too scared. They found her raped and beat me out of her, before hanging her on a tree. I was two years old when we got to Mista Johns. My mother adopted me as hers the moment she saw me and it wasn't that much longer before her and daddy fell in love. Mista John wasn't happy bout that. He beat daddy till he was black and blue all over and then raped momma and made us watch. She then got pregnant with my little sister Journey. After that Mista John decided that he wanted momma closer to him. He moved her into the house to take care of his little boys and left my daddy to take care of the rest of us. People always pity us when we hear Momma screaming from the house begging him to stop. It made sound bad but I like hearing momma scream, let's me know she's still alive and it's the only time I get to hear her voice. Life is hard and very unfair, but there ain't much we can do about it I guess.

This is my first story on here and I know it sounds confusing so i'm willing to answer any and all questions. This is a fictional story about slavery times and I will be very candid and be as honest as I can with what I know about this time in history. There is rape, beatings, love, tragedy and a few sex scenes. So read at your own risk.

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