Friday June 5th

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****Comment and vote!! enjoy - Blaire***

My alarm went off at 2:40 and I slowly go up. I changed into my travel clothes and put on my watch. I put my bags by the door with my pillow and blanket. I put my hair in a messy bun and got a bowl of cereal. I finished and my mom came out. I put my bags in the car and my mom drove me to the school. There were already a couple girls there but they were the incoming freshmen. I got my bags out and put my suitcase in Nate's truck. I got on the bus and put my bag and pillow and blanket in the last row of seats. I texted Kiley and told her I got our seats and then got off to help Garvin.

Me: hey need any help?
Garvin: yeah can you put my bags in Nate's truck
Me: yeah

I grabbed her suitcase and put it in Nate's truck. I then got a text from Kiley saying she was here. I went and found her and with her bags. Her suitcase went under the bus and then we went and took our seats. Kiley had the window and I had the aisle seat. We had the only seats that would lean back without hitting anyone since we were in the back. The bus pulled out at 4 and everybody was back asleep at 4:30. I was woken up at 6:30 by my watch and phone alert from an email. I got my iPad and charger and went to the front of the bus to plug it in. I sat in the seat across Garvin and plugged it in. The sound woke her up.

Garvin: What's wrong Solo?
Me: sorry I woke you. I got an email alert that I need to read but my iPad was dead so I needed a plug
Garvin: Oh okay

I pulled up my email account and opened the new one. It was from my bank. It updated me on my balance since there was a new deposit from Apple.
                      Apple Inc. deposit: $100,000
                              previous total: $990,000
                                       new total: $1,090,000

I saved the email and opened an old one from Nike. I looked over and Garvin was looking at me.

Me: What?
Garvin: What was your email I'm interested
Me: Oh bank statement and now I'm looking at my photoshoot photos that should be released soon.
Garvin: Oh can I see them?
Me: Yeah

I moved next to Garvin and we looked through the photos. We finished the set and Garvin turned to me.

Garvin: those are really good when did you take them?
Me: Last week in California
Garvin: Oh yeah how was your trip? I'm guessing you go the watch and iPad there.
Me: it was great and yeah I did for an endorsement
Garvin: may I ask how much they're paying you like not just apple?
Me: yeah in just endorsements in total will be 1.1 million and then every game that I will play will be $50,000 each.
Garvin: Holy crap Solo.
Me: I know
Garvin: Well anyways we need to wake everyone up we are about to stop for breakfast.
Me: Alright

I got up and went back to my seat and woke Kiley up. Garvin then came over the intercom waking everybody up. She said we were stopping and everybody was getting off to eat. We stopped shortly after and everybody got off. Kiley and I were the last ones off and everybody circle me when I got off. They all were excited I was back and wanted to know about my trip. Garvin broke everybody up and we walked into where we were eating. I told the girls that were sitting at my table about my trip before we got back on the bus. We had 2 more hours to go so I listen to music the rest of the way there. We pulled up to the dorms we were staying in and Garvin called me off the bus with her.

 We pulled up to the dorms we were staying in and Garvin called me off the bus with her

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We walked in and got the key rooms from the front desk. We split the keys between us and we back out. The girls got off the bus and we went up to the 4th floor and to the conference room. Garvin and I called out the names and gave the girls the keys. When all the girls had their keys and got into their rooms Garvin and I grabbed our stuff. We got our room and went in. I let her choose what bed she wanted and then we unpacked. I finished making my bed and then changed into our clothes for opening ceremony tonight. I put my hair up with my bow and fixed my make-up. I was ready to go and Garvin texted the girls and said to meet down stairs in 10 minutes.

When it was 3 I lead everybody down to the indoor field where we would be every day. We took our spot on the field and waited for instructions. A director of the camp came over the speaker and welcomed us to the camp. She told us where we would eat and what to expect during the camp. When she finished talking we were assigned a counselor. The only thing our counselor did was help with some stunting and then our performance routine. Our girls name was Megan and she came over and introduced herself.

Megan: Hi girls I'm Megan. I'm from Virginia and I'm 24. You are a really big group. How may are there?
Garvin: 40 total
Megan: Wow and you all know each other's names
Me: yeah after a couple weeks you get them all.
Megan: dang well okay then. We have dinner first and then we go into learning the camp dance.

We got up and headed to dinner. Garvin called me back to meet with her, Nate and Megan.

Garvin: Solo! come back for a minute.
Megan: So you already know I'm Megan
Garvin: Jamie Garvin sponsor/ coach
Nate: I'm Nathan LeCloux coach
Me: I'm Savannah Solo captain
Megan: okay thank you I just wanted to get names you can go back

Nathan and Garvin went the opposite way of the dinner hall so I was walking by myself until Megan came up to me.

Megan: so you're captain are you a senior?
Me: No I'm going to be a junior
Megan: Oh well your name sounds familiar but I don't know why.
Me: Well I'm a professional soccer player so my name is everywhere
Megan: Wait you're the Savannah Solo like Hope Solo
Me: Yup
Megan: I saw your photoshoot the other day
Me: oh yeah for Nike
Megan: yeah that one you looked great by the way
Me: thanks well there's my team. I will see you later
Megan: Okay bye

I got in line with my team and got food. We sat at multiple tables and ate. Once we were finished we headed back to the field. We were sitting for a while until some of the girls got up and started to tumble. Kiley and I both got up and decided to join. After the girls did their running tucks Kiley and I lined up. We took off and did a round-off to an Arabian, back handspring, and then ended with a full. When we landed the whole gym started clapping. Garvin had filmed it and sent it to us both.

The celebration was short because the director came over the intercom and said it was time for the dance. Kiley and I learned the dance right away and helped the other girls. After the dance we walked back to the dorms and had a little time to shower. I texted Hope, Kelley, Alex and Ali the video before hopping in the shower. I put on my shorts and sports bra and wad drying my hair when Garvin came in.

Garvin: We are meeting in 20 minutes. Will you text the girls for me while I shower please
Me: Yeah sure

Garvin gave me her phone and I texted the girls. I grabbed my phone and had messages from Hope and the other girls.

Hope: Dang Baby Horse you have skills
Kelley: yeah who is the other girl in the video?
Ali: you really are good Baby Horse
Alex: Damn twin
Me: thanks guys. I will send you more later and the girl is one of my best friends Kiley. She is on an All-Star National team
Hope: and you're not?
Me: No because I like soccer more
Ali: Makes sense
Kelley: Send us a video of you in the air
Me: I will squirrel. I have to go talk to you guys later

Garvin came out of the bathroom and got dressed and we went down to the lounge area on our floor. We put the presents on the table and then all the girls came and sat down. Garvin told us what time to be up in the morning and at 10 she was doing room checks. After she told us she started handing out the presents. We all got a jacket with our name on it and two sports bras. Once everybody got their bags we all went back to our rooms. I helped Garvin with room checks and then we went to bed ourselves. I told Garvin I was going running the next morning and she said okay.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 2Where stories live. Discover now