Chapter 8- Drunk Emily is totally sexy

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Hey all! Emily's outfit that Lucy sent in on the top. Now start the chapter!


Chapter 8- Drunk Emily is totally sexy

I woke up in a bed that was too comfortable to be mine. Despite the comfort, I felt like hell and the pounding in my head didn't help. Suddenly, my stomach churned and the world around me was spinning.

I raced to the nearest door, which opened into the washroom. I puked my guts outs in the sink. A warm hand put my hair back into a pony tail. Lucas?

"Lucas?" I managed to speak.

"Yes Princess, now take a shower." He said, handing me water and a tablet.


"Just take a shower, Princess, you reek of alcohol and Lucy sent clothes for you." Lucas said and I nodded.

I put the shower on and hot water slid down my skin making me shiver. As my mind and body relaxed, the events of last night flooded my mind. Shit. I went to a party, wore a dress, played truth or dare, kissed Parker, puked and, holy fudge cakes, MADE OUT WITH LUCAS!

I'm so screwed. What will Lucas think of me? I literally threw myself at him like all other girls. I ruined everything! I knew what I had to do to feel better. I removed the blade that was hidden in my bra that lay on the floor.

Holding the blade in my hand, I peeled off its cover. I worked the blade on my wrist one more time and the blood found its way out of my wound. I washed the cut so that all the blood was gone.

Wrapping the towel around my body, I stepped out of the shower. In the room stood Lucas shamelessly checking me out. I blushed and his gaze returned to my eyes.

"Get out Lucas." I spoke.

"No, thanks. I like it here." Lucas smirked.

"Lucas, get out!" I yelled, throwing a pillow at him.

"Okay, fine!" He said, walking out.

"Oh, by the way, drunk Emily is totally sexy." He winked and exited, causing me to blush even more.

I changed into peach jeans and a sleeveless black top. Lucy, being Lucy, could not send SIMPLE clothes. I walked out of the room and that's when I realized I was actually at Parker's place.

"Hey Emi." Parker said, coming out of nowhere.

"Park" I smiled and hugged him and he hugged back.

"About what happened yesterday...." He started and things got awkward.

"It was just a game I guess?" I spoke.

"Yes, but I enjoyed it." He confessed.

"You did?" I asked astonished.

"Yeah, In fact, it felt like you are an amazing kisser." Parker said.

"No, it was my first kiss." I blushed.

"Glad to know I'm the one. Would you like to go on a date?" Parker asked and I was beyond shocked.

Nobody had asked me out before. I mean EVER. Now the GOLDEN BOY asking me out made butterflies erupt in my stomach. The feeling was foreign, but amazing.

"It is completely okay if you don't wanna." Parker added.

"No! I'm mean of course I'll go with you!" I blushed even redder.

"Great, I'm gonna go prepare stuff. I'll tell you at school bye! I have a lot to do and Lucas is there in the game room!" He said, before rushing out. I smiled and walked to the game room.

"What are you playing?" I asked Lucas closing the door behind me.

"Counter Strike, nothing that girls play." He commented.

"Really now? I'm playing." I said taking a seat beside him.

"Princess, it is not baking we are talking about." Lucas smirked.

"Pfft. Talk to me once I kick your ass at the game." I mirrored his smirk.

"Bring it on." He said and we jumped into battle.

After 2hrs and 25 games

"You lost again!" I giggled.

"Oh come on, you've got to be kidding me!"

Okay, I'll tell what is happening. We have played 25 games and Lucas has lost almost 21 games. And he still wants to play more! Jesus, what does he have for lunch?! I grew up with Aaron and Ethan. Of course I'm amazing at video games!

"Lucas, now I have to go home." I whined.

"Fine, I'll drop you." He said.

We stepped outside to find his sexy bike in the drive way. What I would do to get a bike like that. I wonder how he is allowed to drive? Isn't he my age? Gosh, I love his bike!

He gets on the bike and tells me to do the same  but he thinks that I'm scared. How do I know? It is written all over his face. Well then, I think I have to prove him wrong. I hop on the bike with ease and a smirk is plastered on my face while Lucas is left confused.

"You okay there, Angel?"

"I'm fine Lucas. Ethan had a bike before he got the car. I'm used to it." I said.

"Hold on tight Princess, you are gonna get the ride of your life." He smirked before starting the bike.

I didn't wrap my hands around him at first, but when the bike started to move I eventually had to. I swear i could feel his abs. The breeze fanned my face and the bike was speeding above the speed limit. Soon, we were at mine.

"Amazing" I smiled getting off the bike.

"Anything for you, Angel." Lucas smiled. He actually smiled, not smirk, but smile.

We said good bye and Lucas left. I didn't have to bother to ring the doorbell because the door was already open. At the door stood my handsome brother who saw me with Lucas. Well ladies and gentlemen, that's how you fall into trouble.

This one is short too, but I promise the next one will be big and my updates are gonna get faster. Stay tuned.

Fangirl, Leo.

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