Chapter 25- "Cupcake trust me I'm done with that guy

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Just a warning that there's a very heated scene in this chapter.

Chapter 25- "Cupcake trust me I'm done with that guy

*Emily's POV*
I woke up feeling like shit. My neck ached from sleeping in the same position for too long and I could feel the body beneath me move.

"Wake up." Parker smiled.

"Morning." I whispered.

"Let them sleep and you go freshen up. I'll make you breakfast." Parker said and I nodded.

I walked up to my room and took out sensible clothes for today since we have school today. No way in hell am I looking forward to skip that. I quickly took a shower and changed into those clothes. After applying a little bit of liner, i walked downstairs.

"Why are you all dressed up?" Lucy asked as I walked down.

"We have school duh."

"We aren't going!" Katie whined.

"Yeaaa please!" Ashley added.

"Where are the boy?" I asked.

"Cooking." Ashley answer.

"All of them?" I asked.

"Yup and Jace has come over." Katie said and Ashley instantly blushed! Awww.... someone has a crush!!!

"We are going to school by the way." I said entering the kitchen.

"Don't be a kill joy." Lucas groaned.

"I'm being a kill joy?! Lucas Henswood WE NEED TO TALK!" I yelled.

"Isn't Parker your boyfriend?" Jace asked.

"Yea, so?" I asked.

"He means why do want to talk with Lucas in private?" Parker sighed.

"Ohh about that, we have unfinished business."

"Princess that sounded so wrong." Lucas smirked.

"Oh shut up and follow me." I spoke.

We went into my room and I shut the door. We stood and the center of the room and I glared at him. This guy bike his promise! How dare he!

"You broke you promise." I stated.

"About that, I swear I tried okay. But Parker was being a jackass."

"That's my boyfriend you're talking about. Show some respect."

"Cupcake trust me I'm done with that guy."

"But you promised Lucas."

"Yea but whatever."

"Fine then, if you don't care then leave. And send Parker up here."



He left. Here I thought he would actually keep his promise but I was such an idiot. Guys like him don't give a shit about girls like me. Just then Parker entered the room.

"Done with your personal talk?" He asked with his jaw clenching.

"You're jealous." I smirked.

"Never." Parker defended.

"Oh really?" I smiled seductively and walked towards him.

He stared at me in shock. I have no clue where the sudden boldness came from. I rested my hands on his chest and pushed him to the wall. I cupped his face and brought my lips down to his.

"Emily" He moaned as I sucked on his soft spot.

"Oh I'm just getting started baby."

My hands travelled under his shirt and I traced his abs. Soon his shirt was on the floor. My legs wrapped around his waist as he started kissing my collar bone. Then he pushed me onto the bed.

"Mmhhmm..." I moaned as his hands massaged my chest area.

"Oh Emily you have no clue how much I want you."

He pulled my top off and trapped my body between his legs. He licked my stomach and slowly massaged 'that' area. Then he kissed me all over again and pushed his hands inside my bra massaging my boobs.

"Parker!" I groaned.

I could feel him get hard there and I really couldn't control my lust so I put my hand on the little him. His entire body stiffened but then he pulled my bra off and started licking my boobs.

"Emily I want you. Can I make love to you?" He asked sucking my breasts.

"I hate to break it to you but everybody is downstairs. We'll have to wait for that." I said between moans.

"Fine but I want to see the whole you." He said and I nodded.

He pulled my underwear off me and stared at me in awe. Me being my shy self, I blushed but he put his fingers into me and once again I moaned in pleasure.

"You're beautiful." He smiled and I blushed.

"Emily time for school! Lover boy get your ass down here!" Aaron yelled.

"Nooo...." Parker groaned.

"Let's go." I smiled and we both wore our clothes again.

We walked down together and the girls were giving me weird looks. Of course they know something happened. I'll have to tell them later or they'll eat me alive. Such amazing friends.

'Tell you all later.' I mouthed to them.

Lucy and I sat in Aaron's car while Ashley went with Jace because I pushed them together and Katie went with Lucas although she wanted to go with Ashley. Ethan? I haven't talked to him yet and I don't plan on doing it either.

I walked into the school with Aaron beside me and that's when Summer decided to come ruin my day. Ughhhh this girl bores the hell out of me. I hate her so much. That's when I realized something.... Aaron was beside me and Summer is his ex....

"Hey Emily!" Summer greeted with a fake smile.

"Bye" I groaned.

"No need to be rude, right Aaron?" She smiled seductively.

"Y--yea." Aaron stuttered.

"I see you have grown better muscles." Summer said moving her hand all over Aaron.

I could see Aaron stiffen but not a word left his mouth. I knew Summer was a bitch but didn't know that she would do this to Aaron. That's when I saw Aaron's gaze fix on someone. Lucy..... Holy crap. She glared at Aaron and stormed off.

"I'll talk to you later baby." Summer said, kissed Aaron on the cheek and walked off.

"Shit! What do I do?"

"First get over the bitch and then go talk to Lucy."

"I messed up."

"Big time buddy, big time." I said before walking away too.

But once again my path was blocked by a certain someone. The school basketball team captain and a street fighter. None other my brother! This are not going to be pretty.

Sooooo.... Another chapter as you guys requested! From now on guys Ashley and Jace are gonna be ignored a bit. That's it for today!

Fangirl _Leo.

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