Chapter 35- "Now you're talking business. Come on in."

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Chapter 35- "Now you're talking business. Come on in."

*Summer's POV*
I saw two men hit Emily on the head and then put her in a sac. What do I do? Do I help her? Why should I? It's better if she's gone. I can have Lucas for myself. No I can't be so cold hearted.

"Hey stop!" I said yelling.

"Hey you two where are you taking her?!" I yelled and ran behind them.

"Go away you blonde girl or I'm gonna hurt you." One guy said.

"Let her go or I'm calling the police."

"No you won't." The other man said and then everything went black.

So much for saving someone else.

*Emily's POV*
I woke up in a dark room. The walls were grey and there was only one window at the top of the wall. Don't get your hopes up, the window was barred.

"Mmmhhff!" I heard a voice say.

What I saw shocked me. Summer Hills was tied in the chair besides mine.... Wait, what is she doing here?! Then the door opened revealing Adam.

"So you two are awake." Adam smirked.

"Mmmhhhrrr!" I muttered because my mouth was tied too.

"Wait let me open that for the two of you." So he came forward and took of the cloth covering our mouth.

"Why are we here?!" I demanded.

"You are my key to Ethan and Lucas joining this place again and that little friend of yours was just being nosy and trying to save you. So we got her here." Adam said.

"Nothing about me is little." Summer huffed.

"Oh shut up. I'm leaving the two of you here until boss arrives." Adam sighed and left.

I was hella confused. Summer tried to save me? Is this the same Summer we are talking about? Because the Summer I know is hella bitchy and does everything to ruin my life.

"Don't think so much, I did try to save you." Summer said rolling her eyes.

"I---I didn't ---"

"Save it Emily. I did it out of humanity but trust me I'm never going it again. So cut the thanks crap and make an escape plan." Summer said.

"Yea okay."

There bitchy summer is back! I like it better when she's bitchy. Plan, plan, plan..... Ugh!!! Wait.... my blade! Oh my god I love myself so much right now!!

"I have a right in bra." I smiled.

"Wait, why do you have a blade in your bra?" Summer asked confused.

"Uhhhh... self security." I akwardly smiled.

"Oh whatever just get me free."

I wiggled a bit such that the blade fell right in my tied hand. I used my mouth to take the cover off and then used the blade on the ropes that tied my wrist.

Once I was free, I helped Summer out too. Yea I know never thought I would do this but that's not the point. How would we get out of the room?

"Please don't tell me we have to break the door!" Summer said.

"Looks like me have to." I sighed.

"Eww! It looks so dirty!"

"Why her?" I muttered.

"You wait, I'll do it." I told her.

And I did try. I tried thrice but the door only budged. Then finally Summer tried and decided to help me. We both together banged our shoulders on the door and it finally burst open.

"Thank the gods!" I sighed.

"We should run." She said.

"Not before picking up that knife." I said pointing at the knife fallen in a corner.

"Yea then come on."

I picked up the knife and we ran towards the exit door. That's when I heard voices behind us. Okay now this is major trouble.

"Stop now!" I heard Adam yell.

"Summer go. Go and inform Lucas and Ethan about this place. I'll handle Adam and his minions." I yelled.

"Fine." Summer said and ran away.

Wow, that's totally Summer. She could at least pretend to ask me if was coming too. But whatever. That's when four men came towards me with knives in their hands. One of them was Adam.

"You whore!" He said taking at step forward.

"Don't even try!" I said raising the knife.

"What you'll kill me?" Adam laughed.

"Oh no I'll kill myself and then you can say bye bye to Lucas and Ethan." I smirked.

My plan was simple. When I saw all of them coming towards us, I knew there was no chance of escape. So one of us had to hold them back. The obvious choice was me since I am who they really want. I just hope Summer informs Ethan and Lucas.

"No. You will not." Adam warned.

"Oh I certainly will."

"If you do, I swear I'll kill both of them." Adam smirked. That made the knife in my hand drop.

"Dude, tie her back and the rest of you go find that other girl." Adam command.

There goes my attempt to escape.

*Lucas' POV*
We were all at Ethan's place since the time we couldn't find Emily. We didn't know what to do so we decided to stay here. At about twelve in the night, there was a knock at the door.

"I'll see." I said and Ethan nodded.

"Summer?" I spoke.

"What is the whore doing here?" Aaron groaned.

"Glad you think so highly of me." She said sarcastically.

"Summer just go away. We're all tensed." Jace said.

"Oh I have a very good reason to be here." Summer said.

"God Summer just go away, no one wants you!" Lucy said.

"Oh not even if I have information of you dearest friend?" Summer smirked.

"No--- How???" Ashley looked shocked.

"Now you're talking business. Come on in." Ethan motioned.

I hope this girl talks sense because I don't hit girls but I'm sure Lucy and Katie will be worse than me and Ethan combined. Totally, not kidding. But I really want to find her.... I love her, I really do.

Hey guys! Another update but I know it came slow. Actually my college starts on 6th June and A-LEVELS stuff is shit difficult. Only the preps are taking up a lot of time. So the updates from two a day might get reduced to one update a day. Under very difficult times, I may switch to one update in two days. So yea, that's it.

Fangirl _Leo©

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