Chapter 16- "You both are together right?"

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Picture of Ethan's girlfriend Jemima West on the top. Her real name is also the same. Check it out!

Chapter 16- "You both are together right?"

"What?" Aaron asked confused.

"Ethan, the last time I checked you didn't want to settle for one girl. What happened?" I asked.

"Jemima happened." He said.

"You mean to say that you like her? Are you sure?" Aaron asked.

"Yea, and aren't you guys happy that I'm finally done playing around?" Ethan said.

"We are, just that this was a shocker." I replied.

"Hi, you must be Emily and Aaron. I have heard about you two, a lot." She smiled.

She looked pretty and the sounded nice too. But should I really leave my brother in a time this? Especially when mom isn't well too. Aaron seemed to understand what was going on in my mind and I nodded.

"Are you sure we should go?" Aaron asked.

"Yes, along with Jemima I have Jade(Ethan's bro-frnd) too."

"Okay then." One last time I smiled at Ethan and Jemima and left along with Aaron.

"Something feels wrong." Aaron said.

"Yea, Ethan is not like himself." I said.

"Umm...Em, I have something to tell you." Aaron said as we walked towards the car.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We should go home first."

Aaron drove like a maniac. I don't know what was so important. I opened the door to my house and found Lucy sitting on the couch. I had given her the extra key but why was she here? We all sat on the couch and Aaron made coffee for all of us.

"So why are you here?" I asked. Lucy.

"Um... I have to tell you something." Lucy said.

"Actually we have to tell you something." Aaron said.

And I knew it. They don't have to say it. I already knew that was gonna happen. I'm sure they both are together. I mean look at them they are perfect for each other!

"You both are together right?" I asked cutting all the drama.

"How---how did you know?" Lucy asked.

"You look like a love struck couple! Of course I know." I smiled.

"And you are okay with it?" Aaron asked.

"Why wouldn't I be? Until and unless Lucy doesn't come and describe your PDA stuff." I smirked.

"Emily!" Lucy blushed furiously.

I just giggled and moved to my room to pack my bag. I put in 3 pairs of my basketball uniform, three jeans, seven tops and two night suits. Okay me being my clumsy self, I banged my shoulder into the wall while lifting up the bag giving me a small bruise.

I finished my packing by added the toiletries and inner wear end. Aaron had already finished his packing so we just had to pick up his bag from his house.

"Aren't you excited?" Aaron asked.

"I'm nervous. We have been trying to win this league since three years. I hope we win this time." I said.

"True that." Aaron said and drove silently.

Our school Ruthwin High has taken part in this competition for three continues years but we always got eliminated in either the semis or in the finals. Westwood High has been taking home the cup since forever.

I reached the school and if was noon already. Coach gave us lunch but I didn't find Lucas anywhere. About half an hour before leaving a figure pulled me aside behind the cupboards. It was Lucas....

"Princess." He tried to smirk. Key word being TRIED.

He was bruised all over not to mention the right arm which was bleeding furiously. He was going to need stitches. How does he manage to get beaten up so bad?

"Lucas you need to go to the hospital." I said.

"No, you can fix this up." He said handing me the first aid box.

"I'm not your personal nurse Lucas. Plus you need stitches and I don't have anesthesia." I said.

"Doesn't matter, I can take the pain."

"Why are you beaten up so bad Lucas?" I asked.

"I can't tell you Princess but can you please fix me up?" He pleaded.

"One last time." I warned and he nodded.

I mended the bruises first because it was easy. Then I started cleaning the blood on his wound right above the right arm elbow. He slightly winced.

Taking the needle and thread I put it in his skin and he bit his bottom lip to stop yelling. As I stitched his wound, he gripped my shoulder and this time I winced.

"What happened?" Lucas asked.

"Bumped my shoulder into the wall."

"Clumsy as always I see." He smirked.

After I finished stitching and cleaning up he said, "Show me your bruise."

I slowly lifted up the sleeves of my left arm and the purple skin was clearly visible. Gosh it is worse than I thought. Ever shoulder movement hurts.

"You shouldn't play, it's pretty bad."

"Pretty bad? It's just a bruise. You should go home now." I say.

"Go home? No way. I am playing. We have wanted to win this league since three years. Ethan is already not playing I can't quit too." He said.

"Are you kidding me? Your playing arm has stitches!" I reminded.

"I know." He said and moved forward to sit in the bus. I sighed and did the same.

In the bus I sat beside Aaron but the entire time I was crazily worried for Lucas. The speed breakers caused the entire bus to jump and I could hear Lucas hiss in pain. I plugged in my earphones and started listening to music and that's how I fell asleep.

I was being shaken so hard that it was impossible for my eyes to stay shut. I woke up to find Aaron and Katie staring at me. When my eyes fluttered open, they burst out laughing.

"Why you both laughing?" I asked.

"Yo---You---slept even when we slapped you!!" Katie said between giggles.

"Not funny guys." I said leaving the bus with them behind laughing.

So finally the time has come.....

Hey guys! Early update!! There is gonna be a lot of 'Lucas Emily' scenes from now on so do read!! Oh and why is Ethan being so weird???


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