Chapter 32- I'm sorry

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Just to clarify, the bet Lucas made with Parker is in chapter 24 if you have forgotten.

Chapter 32- I'm sorry
*Emily's POV*
When I woke up, the light around me was too bright. My throat was parched and my head hurt. Wait, am I hungover?

"You are awake!" He voice said.

"Shut up my head hurts!" I say closing my ears.

"Doctor!" The another voice yells it takes time for me to realize that I'm in a hospital and Lucy, Ethan and Aaron are all sitting around me.

"Oh good god she is away!" The doctor says and checks my heartbeat.

"She is fine. Just a little rest today and the she can get discharged." The doctor says leaving the room.

"You scared the shit outta me!" Ethan yelled.

"Water" I croaked.

"There." Aaron said handing me water.

"Ethan save your yelling for some other time." Lucy spoke.

"You should have just let me die. No one needs me anyways." I spoke after drinking water.

"Just because that jackass doesn't need doesn't mean that no one needs you." Ethan sighed.

"You are my best friend so I'll never stop needing you." Aaron said.

"Me too, I love you a lot." Lucy added.

"And I? I am your brother. Gods knows what I'd do if I lost you." Ethan spoke.

"All your friends are waiting outside because they love you idiot!" Lucy said.

"Who is? Is Lucas outside too?" I asked. I really didn't wanna talk to him.

"No, only Katie, Ashley and Jace. I sent Lucas home." Ethan said.

"Ethan didn't SEND Lucas home actually. He injured him pretty bad and Katie 's death threat causes him to go home." Aaron informed and I chuckled.

"I'm sorry. I'm acting all weak and fragile because I thought no one cared. I thought You guys only pity me. But now I know." I smiled. It was a genuine one.

"Never do it again." Ethan said and I nodded.

"Can I get my phone?" I asked and Ethan handed it to me.

I checked my messages and there were 25 messages from Lucas and 34 missed calls. I read each and every message and my heart broke each and every time.

'I'm sorry but I'm really in love with you.'

'The bet was only for Parker, never for you.'

'I already loved you before the bet.'

I wanted to believe him but I couldn't. How could I?! He bet on me to prove that I'll fall for him. How could I trust his words? What if he's only doing this for a bet?

Seven days later

Life has gone back to normal. Everything feels just like the old times. I was discharged early and I started attending school normally. Jace, Katie and Ashley were really mad at Lucas and would not talk to him but somehow I managed to convince them to talk to him.

On the other hand I stopped Aaron, Ethan and his friends from ganging up on Lucas a lot of times. Lucy was being Lucy and leaving no chances to insult Lucas. Summer was staying away from me. Mom was doing fine and Ethan quit Street Fighting and was now working at Starbucks.

Me? I was holding up. I behaved normal. But Lucas didn't. So many days have passed and he sends me a different sorry message everyday.

Message Day 1
I am not perfect but I'm still me. The guy that holds you in his arms because you are all that matters to him. Sorry.

Message Day 2
I took for granted all our smiles, laughs and memories. I promise I'll never do it again because they mean the world to me. Sorry.

Message Day 3
My lies have caused a lot of pain. I promise never to do it again. All I want is to see you smile forever and ever. I'm sorry.

Message Day 4
I crave to see the smile on your face. I crave for you to be in my arms, my favorite place. I know what I did was totally wrong but Princess please it's been to long. I'm so so so sorry.

Message Day 5
I'll never lie to you Princess. I'll be honest and tell you what's in my heart. I'll always keep you safe and happy against all odds. The love I have for you can't be compared with any other feeling in my heart. I am only yours. I'm sorry Princess.

Message Day 6
I know my lies have damaged our relationship beyond repair, but I want you to know that I still care. I know it will be very hard for you to forgive me but I want you to look into my eyes and see that I'm truly sorry.

I haven't received the Day 7 message yet. Even when Lucy yells at him, he just listens without complaints nor does he do anything when Ethan and his friends gang up on him.

It hurts to know that some part of me still loves him and I'm actually glad that he hasn't given up on me but then where is the day seven message? It breaks my heart all over again.

Leaving those thoughts aside I slipped into my normal hoodie and sweatpants. I'm back to my normal wears for school. After all there is no one that I have to impress. That's when I receive the day 7 text but this time it's an image.

The image filled me with guilt surprise and love. It was a tattoo. A tattoo on his back near the shoulder which said 'Emily' and had a crown over it. I fell in love with him all over again (picture of tattoo on the top).

'Meet me in lunch in the parking lot.' I texted back in the first time from days.

Ethan and I drove to school and there is one thing I eagerly waited for, LUNCH. I hope what he did and means is true because I can't take the lonelyness anymore. I love him, I love him too much to let him go.

Hola amigos! I am back with another amazing chapter! Enjoy.

Fangirl _Leo.

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