Chapter 1: Mating Season?

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Hopefully you guys liked the lil' vid I put in :3

Please please please check out this video on YouTube! It's amazing, and I don't own it! I was created by 1010Pikachu(🤗)! I absolutely LOVE IT! (I liked it and added it to all my playlists XD) so search up their name on YouTube and hopefully you'll see it! Or just search up dragon slayer couples! Enjoy reading!

~Mira's POV~

Me, Lucy,  and Romeo were called over into master Makarov's office in the far back of the guild. I was starting to get suspicious when Romeo came into the picture. It was an odd group of people with one 13 year old boy in a group of female teenagers don't you think? But anyways, once we came in Makarov told us to sit down while he gives us important information. Levy was standing beside him holding a vintage looking book titled 'Mating of the Dragons: Dragon Mating Season'.

¨Some of you might not know this, but tomorrow will be Dragon Mating Season. A time when dragons look for their mate and well 'mate' with them." He gave each of us a look to see if they all understood.

¨Um not to be rude or anything, but you called us in here to talk about dragons mating? How does that even effect us?" Romeo asked impatiently.

¨Well, not only does dragon mating season effect dragons, but it effects our dragon slayers also...meaning that they will also be looking for a mate to, well, mate with.¨

¨There's also side effects of mating season guys¨ Levy states. ¨The dragon slayers will become more aggressive, and change personalities. Making it extremely difficult for them to control themselves....." Levy quotes from the book.

¨You guys are expected to be the dragon slayer's mates, including me. I don't know whyyy'' levy adds, muttering the last part.

"WAIT!" Lucy says standing up from her seat. "Your talking about 'mate this' and 'mate that', what exactly do you mean by the dragons will 'mate' with their suspected lovers?"

The bluenette sighed before saying her answer. "Basically Lu-chan, they'll have to"

"WHAT THE FU-" Romeo shouts before he falls along with his chair backwards towards the floor.

"Since Romeo is a suspected mate, is he supposed to do the mating process also?" I ask confused.

"OH! DEAR NO!" Makarov exclaims. "The process for our younger dragon slayer will be a lot more settle as for it only involves a kiss."

"But there's a alternative" Levy comments.

"HOLD UP!" I say forcing everyone to stop. I shuffle over to where Lucy is and cover her ears shut tight with my hands.

"What the heck are you doing?" Romeo asks, matching the look of confusion everyone else in the small room had.

"Um PFFT. LIKE IM GOING TO LET NALU TAKE THE ALTERNATIVE FROM KISSING EACH OTHER SENSELESS!" I retort. No. Flipping. Way. That's. Gonna. Happen. On. My. Watch. "Please continue Levy."

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