Chapter 2: The Chase

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Previously:"Some loud guild we got here Luce" The person whispered in my ear. Crap. "Guess who left my cell door open while paying me a visit?"



~Levy's POV~
I run out of the guild noticing that Lucy wasn't running with me. So when I turn around I see Lucy bish slap Natsu full force and then came after me with all the strength she had.

"Dang gurl" I say as she catches up to my speed. Honestly, I really don't know where we were heading, we were just following Mira and Romeo......

"You would've done the same thing believe me!" She huffs.

"Do you think we should go another way?"

"No way! You know that splitting up in horror movies are the exact path to death!"

"Okay.....but it would be too easy for all of them to get us"

"Best to mix up the scent more, so they won't track us down so easily"

I stop dead in my tracks rethinking her statement. That's it! Mix up the scent! "Lu-chan! I got it! Come on, we need to get to Fairy Hills. I have an idea!"

"AW COME ON! What did I just say about splitting up?!?!?" She retorts as I pull her with me in another direction.


We were in Fairy Hills wondering the halls, searching for my room. Thankfully Lucy broke the awkward silence between us by asking what my supposedly amazing idea was.

"Just as you said, we're going to mix up the scent!" I answer confidently.

"Um, actually this defeats the whole purpose of what I just said back there! We were actually supposed to mix up our scent with the others! Your just raising the chance of us getting caught by splitting us up!"

"No you baka!" I argued when I finally found my room and unlocked the door swiftly. "We are going to put on a whole load of perfume on us for the opposite effect!"

"To be honest, I think that would be a lot for us to handle smelling that all day. What if it wears off? Do you even have a lot of perfumes? How much will we put on? WHAT IF IT ATTRACTS THEM?!?!" She whines behind me while I shift around my room looting everything for any type of perfume or scented lotion.

"Okay your just worrying waaaayyyy to much! We'll be okay, and if it even does wear off at least we held them back as long as we can." I say trying to answer all her questions at one time. Holding a perfume in each hand I spray them on her. In return she grabs some bottles and rubs the lotion on my arms filling the room with a lot of mixed scents.

After being coated enough for the both of us to feel a bit sticky on our skin we both jolted in surprise as a loud crash came from the front entrance.

"They broke down the front door!" I gulped.

"QUICK! Out the window!" Lucy commands jumping on the window sill.

"A-Are you sure?!?! My room is on the third level! That's crazy!"

"Pfft. Like this is anything serious! I jumped out of a building before levy, it was much more higher than this!" She said triumphantly.

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