Chapter 11: Dates pt. 2

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Crying in joys of tears 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 THE VEIWS PEOPLE! THE VEIWS!

As I told you before.....I'm all ABOUT the AMVS and MEPS! Hope your watching them! They're the best I found! This one features Stingyu! Yay! ^o^ #inspirationOfTheChapter

Previously: I walk up about ten steps to see a small hallway leading to four rooms. Wendy exits out one of the rooms and jumps at my arrival. "Y-Your need to f-find the room with your stuff?" She stutters. I nod and she leads me into the room across from where she was. "This is one of the bedrooms...some stuff we got for you are in the closet. And DO NOT wear what's in the dresser! That's for our date!" She informs exiting the room. I walk over to the door and lock it before I get changed.

~Kinana POV~
I'm guessing when we first entered the zoo is when our date started. The dates have to be 3 hours minimum, and we were already at the half mark for the first hour.

"Do you wanna save the reptile section last?" Cobra asks looking around at the sections that contained animals.

"I think that would be a good idea, maybe we'll try seeing some lions first...." I reply walking to were they were located with him following until he walks up beside me.

"How much you wanna bet that they don't have dragons here?" I smack his arm at the question, "well of course they don't have dragons here! That wouldn't even be a question!" I answer. He snickers.

"Would've been cool though...."

~Yukino's POV~
"So.....what to do now...." I wonder aloud beside Sting, hoping he'll get an idea. It's been a nice double date with Rogue and Kagura. We had a good time overall teasing Rogue and laughing. And also! He actually taught us the telepathy thing and rules and stuff, so amazing things like this do have their limits....

"Well, I'm not letting this date end here! Come on!" He exclaims pulling my wrist to the direction of a movie theater.

"W-Wait a minute! We don't know what movie we're watching! What time it shows up! W-"

"We'll make it up as we go!" He says over his shoulder nearing the building.

"O-okay.....w-what....what genre?" I ask with uncertainty....Please don't say horror, please don't say horror, pleeeeaaaaasssseeeee dddddooooonnnnoooootttttt ssssssaaaaaayyyyyy hhhhooooorrrrrrrrrrrrooorrrrr.



Sting asks the guy in the front booth for two tickets to the -I'll let your creativity choose one- movie, while I'm just shuddering behind him trying to sooth and prepare myself for the worst. I look up to hear Sting's slight chuckle.

"Shut it"

"Is the one and only great, amazing, Yukino scared of watching a movie?!" He says in disbelief teasing me.

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