Chapter 7: Cerulean!

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Previously: "Romeo will have to be punished for running away...." Wendy says cracking out her whip.

"Ooh I think I might join in as well to find out who the top sky mage is he likes most!" Cheila announced.

Ohhhhhhh Mavis.......

They carried the crate with them with me still inside and marched back towards Wendy's strange building. ARE THE OTHER GIRLS JUST GONNA WATCH?!? HELLO IM GETTING KIDNAPPED HERE!! I OBVIOUSLY NEED HELP FROM ANYONE AT THIS POINT!


~Lucy's POV~


We all dragged our attention away from the street where Romeo was carried off too to the red haired poison dragon slayer. Too our surprise, we all shrieked in fear at his arrival. What was he doing here?!? Was he following us???

"Yeah, look, lock me up or whatever! But you have to believe me I'm not like them!" He says back making gestures here and there.

"What do you mean?" Kinana says being the first one to overcome her shock.

Cobra gives out a sigh before he answers. "The other slayers react.....differently....with their mates." He reaches over to grab both of Kinana's hands in his. "But when I'm with you, I can be the real me" He says smiling to her making direct eye contact, while Kinana blushes a deep shade of red that (You guessed it if you read a lot of FT fan fictions 😂) rivaled Erza's scarlet hair.

On the sidelines we all 'Awww' in the background. Levy wipes small tears from her eyes, "it's just like the romance stories!"

"Well......" Yukino says trying to move the conversation along, "We just got some big news too". Cobra and Kinana break eye contact to listen to Yukino, even though Kinana already knew what's up.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Romeo just...uh.....came by.................and told us that it's all slayer mating season now"

His eyes widen in surprise. "So.....that Ice guy is in it too?"

We all nod as we know which one he was referring too, as for the other one wasn't a slayer.

"And Cheila!" I added.

"But who would Cheila go aft-" The shocked expression returned to his face again. "Woah..."

"Yeah" I say finalizing his thinking process. I bet he knows...

"No way...."

"Yes way"



A echo came from out of the woods we were near. "Minna!"

We all turned around to see that it was our famous and beautiful barmaid, Mira holding hands with.....LAXUS?!? We all again did the same shriek from before.

"EVERYONE CALM DOWN!" Mira says waving her arms in the air. "He's cured! See?" She hold up the container with the blue liquid that was now 3/4 full.

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