Chapter 3: Bottle Snatching

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Previously: "Hey do you guys know where Juvia is?" Gray asks us impatiently joining the conversation.

"Um, to be fair the first place I would think about is near you" Levy suggests.

"UGH!" Gray yells in frustration as he runs into the village in search of the water mage.

"I wonder what's that all about...." Mira and Levy just shrug.


~Levy's POV~
"I'm sick of running!" Lucy whines.

I pace back and forth at the entrance of the guild trying to recall anything that could help us out of this mess.

"The best thing to do is to talk to master.....but he's not here" Mira mumbles.

"How has Laxus change?" I wonder aloud looking at Mira to answer.

"I've haven't encountered him thankfully......he's just too much if it wasn't dragon season anyway"

"Oh, so what? You ship everyone else but yourself? Don't you got like, a crush or something?" I tease. She responded with a face that looked like she watched a million cringe worthy videos.

"Of course not! That's just weird, like imagine yourself shipping you and another's just doesn't......Levy you need to understand how shipping works...." Frustration in her voice.

"Well then, guess me and Lucy can do all the shipping for ya!" I say teasingly as Lucy cancels us out thinking about something.

"How about that potion Makarov had in his office? He's not here so we have the best chance to get it!" Lucy suggests. I gasp in realization of the potions existence. I TOTALLY FORGOT!

"Your right! But there's chances that he took it with him, remember him saying that he doesn't want us using it on one dragon slayer?" Mira responds. "Guess I'll be looking for Juvia too for another one!" She says running off.

"But even if that's the case....we still have to check if it's there or not" I suggest not wanting to believe that the potion wasn't there. Lu-chan mumbles an okay as we head for the office. And the things we saw in there.......

An open window.

The blue potion.

Two pairs of hands on it.

And Kagura and Yukino frozen in shock at our appearance.

What. In. Mavis. Is. Going. On. Here?

"Look guys sorry for the intrusion, but I REALLLYY need this!" Yukino says trying to loosen Kagura's grip. "I'm not loosing to you again for something this important Mermaid!"

"As if something this valuable is going into your hands tiger!" Kagura argues. Tugging on the bottle more so it is closer to her.

" do you know that the potion was here? Or what's it's for?" I questioned still stunned by their appearance.

"Nevermind that!" Kagura said loosing her grip on the bottle, but then repositioned herself for a better angle.

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