Chapter 12: The Stalkers of the Century

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HECK YES! HERE'S MY SURPRISE!!!! A Mep lovingly made by me and MarshemellowDreams !!! It's from our YT channel and recently uploaded! Please check it out! I always wanted to get my hands on making a FT Mep/Amv! And here it is! If you want to search it up, search up Notice Me Fairytail on YouTube! Try and find the thumbnail you see above and enjoy reading!!!

Something tells me that Chapter nine is a fan favorite for some reason......

Previously: "Oh trust me, they couldn't contain her even if they tried, besides I'm already checking her out right now." He smirks. Her? Already checking out? I look behind me to see if he was staring at another snake, but found out that there was only a wall. I turn back around to see that his gaze was directed at me, scanning every inch of me. I just stood there finally understanding what he was hinting at. Then I blushed a crimson red and was unable to conjure up any words.

"L-Let's....j-just g-go somewhere t-to e-eat........" I stutter fast walking out the door, he chuckles following.

~Yukino's POV~
"HAHA! THAT WAS AWESOME!" Sting exclaims coming out of the movie theater and throwing up his arms in the air. He spun around to look at me for my input.

"T-t-that was the worst thing I ever experienced after you forced me to play FNAF!" I complained in between many stutters. I felt my whole body shake with jitters all over and my hands shake the most in a chaotic frenzy. My heart heated really fast and I was alarmed and more alert of actions. I look up to his face to see him giving me a considerate smile.

"H-hey, it's not real. It's all not real" Sting says comforting me and pulling me into a tight hug.

Then my phone in my purse started vibrating and playing the song 'I Hate You I Love You' out loud. I almost lost it when the people around us started looking our way, but I hurriedly took it out, to turn it off, noticing that it was the 3 hour timer that I put on when we started the date, while turning around so Sting wouldn't see my lock screen. So, that means....ITS OVER! IM FREE! I feel Sting look over my shoulder, and then read the alarm title out loud.

"My freedom from this sexy-looking boy?" Sting read confused out loud near my ear. I felt my embarrassment deepen even more, throwing me deeper into the pit of idiocy and my face redden. He chuckles in amusement, "Didn't know I struck you that hard...."

He reaches over me and presses the home button to see the phone of my background him in a red shirt. My privacy was officially ruined.......but hey, in my defense, guys look good in red! Like, come on! He chuckles again and turns off my phone, but only just to turn it back on again to see my lock screen the picture Rogue took with my phone of me and Sting sleeping beside each other on the couch after our long Netflix marathon. Oh my gosh....I'm so dead now......

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