Chapter 4: SAY WHAT NOW?!?

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How to read a manga page (I learned the hard way): read right to left instead of left to right, so the last thing you would read would be the first panel on the bottom row. I don't know why, but it's made like that....

Previously: "HELP! IM TO YOUNG TO DIE!" Came a familiar echo further down another street of the town. We all looked over to the direction of the cry as we got up and deactivated our spells.

"Mira!" Me, levy, and Kinana say at the same time looking at each other. Faster then you could say cake we went towards the shout. With Kagura and Yukino on our tails having their eyes locked onto the potion in Kinana's hands.

I hope Mira's okay...........


~Lucy's POV~
When we got there we see Mira in the center of the street tied up to a iron rod.

"Gajeel......" Levy mumbles harshly behind me.

"All of you shouldn't have come! It's not safe!" Mira shouts. "Don't get closer! It's a trap!" A beam of electricity appears in the sky and shocks the metal rod along with Mira.

"You shouldn't have told them that" Laxus says appearing out of no where. "But I'll forgive you if you do me the favor I asked." He says a smirk evident on his face.

"Hmph! As if! Why would I do that to a person who tied me up!" Mira snickered turning away from the lighting dragon slayer.

"And you wonder why your tied up......." Laxus says giving out a chuckle, the smirk remaining on his face.

"What do you mean it's a trap Mira?!" Yukino questioned worried, preparing to unleash Pisces.

"They're all he-" Before she could finish Laxus covered her mouth with his hand as the others showed up.

Sting slides off a slanted roof and embraces Yukino from behind her, snatching the Pisces key. "We finally get to play together" he coos in her ear. Metal poles rise up from the ground around Levy incredibly fast. (Picture above :3), Levy shrieks as Gajeel emerges from his spot in the shadows. "I'm going to have to punish you shrimp for running away from me you know...." Gajeel says making direct eye contact with her. Cobra comes in from inside a large barrel and scoops up Kinana bridal style, securing her tightly so she doesn't get away. "C-Cobra....." Kinana stutters. And Kagura.....oh..............Rogue DEFINITELY came out of no where. Kagura looking around panicking left and right, was caught in the shadow dragon slayer's arms as he emerges from her shadow while she wasn't looking and silence her by covering her mouth.

Looking around frantically I see that I'm surrounded by pairs here and there. Where's Natsu?

"He probably haven't sniffed you out yet....." Cobra replies.

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