Chapter 8: A Windy Arrival...

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MAVIS DID YOU SEE THAT VIDEO I PUT IN THE MEDIA THOUGH! I love it! I don't really like watching in English dub, nor English versions of anime intros, but this one was HELLA FINE! Omg so addicted to it XD

"Great, now I know his personality!" Erza says peeling off the shades from her face.


"You see, the slayers change, switch, or enhance their personalities during dra- ehem - slayer mating season. So I brought you in there to trigger his changed personality. So apparently, it's like a pick up line type of thing....."

~Erza's POV~
"Hehe. Wanna try it again?" I ask probably having the most disturbing look on my face.

"W-What?!? W-Why?" Juvia asks.

"Just wanna see how far he'd go before he runs out!"

"Erza, it's the side effects of the season...he'll never run out until it's over!"

"Okay, fine. But just one more time!" She shoves me into the room first and follows after.

"H-hello, Gray-Sama?" Juvia says with caution.

"Hi Juviaaaaa" He replied. Mira is so going to kill me for not recording this, but oh well!

"Nothing suspicious." Juvia says, she was about to walk pass me through the door until Gray said something else.

"Juvia, I didn't know you knew Ultear's Magic."

"Huh? But J-Juvia doesn't-"

"Then why does time stop when we are together?" The blush that appeared on her face in round one came back for revenge in round two. She then rushes out the door, I tip a imaginary hat at gray and exit the room also.

"J-Juvia, doesn't know what to say....." I hear her mumble crouched down against a wall.

"Maybe Juvia should help Gray" I say mimicking her in the nicest way possible.

She was by then utterly confused. "Gray-Sama needs help?"

"Well yeah, it's mating season you know? There's some ways you could help him....." I whisper the two ways some of the other mates conquered mating season in her ear and she totally turned white. "Well! I'm on my way! I'll be getting my reward now! CYA!" I say dashing to the back exit.

"Hey dear" I say exiting the back door and closing it.

"Hi love"

I instantly blushed at his greeting. He always somehow managed to do that...

"So you found out about Gray? And well, his 'other' form?"

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