Chapter 6: Escaped Convicts, not Covicts

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Previously: "Looks like this dragon needs to be tamed" I said matching the same smirk he had a few seconds ago.

All he could reply was a confused look at first but followed with a smirk of realization.

"I'd like to see you try" he said afterwards.

Mira's POV

"Where did Rouge take Kagura?" I said demanding a answer from Laxus, he didn't look like he was going to reply anything useful though. Noises and voices came from down the hall behind me, but I didn't bother to look back and just started down Laxus angrily.....or up since he is taller..... Guess Kagura gave in, I thought as I heard her voice down that hallway. I mentally note in my head that I have to move her name and Rouge's from the shipping list to the cannon list.

"I'm guessing you already know how she's doing and where she is." Laxus says with a smirk. "Do you wanna have the same treatment as Kagura? I'm positive that the treatment will be more extreme though."

"You dare come at me and I'll cross your name off my list!" I threatened throwing a nearby throw pillow.

"And who's with me on the list?" He teases.

"Duh, you and Freed" I say, he just shakes his head in disappointment.

"I never thought that the great queen Mira of ships would screw up on one"

"Oh really? W-Wh-What about Laxus X Lisanna?!?" He shakes his head again.

"Well theres some people supporting Laxus X Cana....."

"Wait a minute....." I say rethinking his statement.

I tilt my head to the side a bit. Queen of ships? I mean....I don't mind being a queen and everything, but that's going over the top there..... I mean who is the princess and prince? Do I have Knights? Will the diners be fancy? Will I have cute clo-

"But may I be your king?" Laxus continues, breaking me out of my thoughts and coming back to realization.

I threw another throw pillow at him. (They call them throw pillows for a reason 😂) "B-Baka! W-what do you t-think your d-doing?!? Claiming that my ships are wrong! Switching up my ships!?! Next thing I know your gonna break up my precious Nalu and Gruvia!!!!" He received this time a plastic cup to the face that was laying on the table.

He just chuckled as I prepared to throw a small glass bottle. Then I took a good look at the 'beverage' to find out that it's actually the blue mixture Kinana had a little while ago. I retract my arm and study the bottle a little closer. Laxus mutters a questions of what I'm doing, but I try to cancel him out of my thoughts as much as possible.

What if.......What if........

"Fine. We'll go your way. As a deal. I do whatever you want, but you'll have to drink this!" I say shoving the container into his hands. He looks at me with confusion but I give him a nod of approval.

He was about to drink the bottle, instead I snatched the bottle back out of his hands when a second thought came to me (Author: Geez Mira you need to make up your mind XD).

"Don't chug the whole thing down!" I yelled saving the liquid.

"Then what do you want me to do then?"

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