Chapter 5:Our Turn To Be Locked Up?!?

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That pic doe 😏
Previously: "You know how all the dragon slayers are hunting down their mates right? Well since it's slayer mating season your apparently affected by it to since you looking for Juvia all of the sudden!" I exclaim.

"That actually makes since...." He says pondering over his whole day.

"ROMEO!" Shouted two female voices far behind us. Crap.....

"WELP I GOTTA GO! BAI!" I said very quickly as I dashed to who knows possibly where. Honestly I didn't really care. All I really wanted was some extreme help.

Yukino's POV
After about 5 minutes of random talking and 10 minutes of walking to an unknown destination, we landed here, in apparently Cobra's Prison Hideout. Locked up. Individually. But close. And who knows why Cobra has jail items in a hideout to hide from jail. He claims that its for his own fun to.....harm pigs.......yeah......imagine that.....

Oh and guess who has the best treatment and conditions while we're at it?!? In COBRA'S hideout?!


THIS IS UNFAIR TREATMENT! Even while being imprisoned!

Natsu took Lucy's celestial spirit key's and mine after Sting suggested that 'Yuki shouldn't play with objects in her cell'.

"HELLO?!" I call out to the cold darkened hallways, only lighted by the torches hung on the walls that split the cells.

"Hai Yukino-Chan!" Echoed a voice. I lifted up my head to see that it was sting talking to me with the most happiest smile ever. I mean sometimes a smile can rub off on other people, but the smile he is giving me is the type of smile you get annoyed at. "What do want?" I say extremely annoyed turning my head to the side so he's out of my sight.

"Just to say hi" he says. (I imagined this face, if it helps XD ->🤗)

"Hi, hello." I reply still looking in the same direction. I assumed he left by the sound of footsteps that went upstairs.

"I'm so not cut out for this." Levy mumbles across from me.

"Yeah, who knows if the 'mating chamber' is right above us. I'm not into hearing each one of you guys' sounds of pleasure from down here...." Kagura adds. From the cell to the left of Levy diagonal from me. Mira giggled in the cell to the right of Levy.

"Wait why did you say 'mating chamber' all weird like that?" Lucy asks in the cell beside me, even though I couldn't see her face behind the walls the separated us, I could tell she looked completely perplexed.

Levy, Mira and Kagura, who were on the opposite side of us and had a view of the confused blonde, looked at her with the 'seriously' look. "Honestly your just as dense as Natsu....." Mira admitted.

"BUT! We are getting out of here before that even starts! Right!?!?" I whined.

"Awww, why you wanna run from Sting? I totally thought that one of Mira's ships was gonna sail!" Lucy replies mimicking me.


"The thing that sunk the darn ship was a giant glacier! Let me tell you who our captain is to steer away from it!"

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