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Konnichiwa minna-San! As told at the ending of the last chapter, I will be working on a summer fanfiction to make your summer just a little bit more special!

I'm not entirely sure how to write a special or anything.....so I'm just going to go off where we last left off.....

Don't mind the inserted video's purpose, it's just because I am currently addicted to it!

I'm not sure if I should reveal the cover first to you guys of the summer book...

Or the title....

Or description and what's it's all about...

Or what ship it's gonna be about...

Or should I even reveal it and let you guys find out on your own when summer starts?

But anyways thank you so much for reading and so much for 20k!!!!!

I now present to you the 20k special!


~Lucy's POV~
After the extreme news Max busted out, everyone in the building was a mix of emotions. There were people congratulating the people on stage for being together as a couple, especially to Erza and Jellal for now being fiancé and fiancée. But mostly people were scrambling around trying to prepare for the next mating season that was now going to be three times longer then the last one.

"Guys chill! Prepare at your own guilds! We got a whole year before that happens!!!! Plus! You guys are messing up the decorations I set up!!! CHILL OUT!!!!" Mira yelled through the mic at the panicking crowd.

"Well what do we do then?!?!" A person called out from the crowd.

"Calm down and celebrate of course! We're not done yet! Plus! We need to plan the Jerza wedding!" Meredy said running up the stage. Of course, she was always one of the top Jerza shippers....

"W-wait a minute! We still need time to adjust to being engaged!" Erza panicked.

"Okay, we'll wait for Nashi!" Happy exclaimed flying onstage. Everyone turned their heads to me and Natsu.

"Great," I thought aloud, "the elites of the shipping squad are all here...."

"What the hell is a Nashi?" Natsu also wondered aloud. They all face-palmed after that, but actually, I was kinda wondering too.

"Well duh! It's everywhere!!! Have you two never heard of her?!?" Mira exclaimed frantically waving her hands everywhere. We both shook our heads slowly....

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