He cheats on you

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I was walking towards Kalin and Myles's house. I knocked on the door but no one answered.

I shrugged and looked for my keys. I grabbed the house key and opened the door and closed it behind me I put my things down.

I made my way towards my boyfriends' room. I opened the door and saw Kalin with some girl. My smile faded and I let go of the handle.

Kalin turned around so fast the girl fell. I looked at him a bit longer and turned around. I walked towards my stuff and grabbed it. I opened the door but an arm grabbed me.

I turned around and saw Kalin half naked. He was about to say something when the girl walked in.

He turned around to look at her and then me.

"I should let you get back to it."I replied tears falling. I got out of his grasp and walked out. In the distance I heard Kalin call out my name. I just ignored it and kept walking.

I got inside my car and drove to the bay. The whole way there tears streamed down my cheeks. I turned off my phone after Kalin called five times.

I pulled over and started crying even more. I leaned my head on the steering wheel. I calmed down and started driving.

After a while I pulled over to get gas. I got off and went to the store. I bought some snacks. I was passing the drinks when I stopped.

I looked at the drinks behind the glass. I opened the door and got out a bottle of vodka. Why they have this here I don't really know since it's not safe to drink and drive.

But that's none of my business. I walked towards the cash register and paid for the stuff. I walked back to my car and started driving.

I was in the Bay Area now. I laughed I drove all the way out here with no cloths and no where to stay. Well technically not true. If I wanted to stay somewhere I could I had relatives here. And as for cloths I had money and stuff.

I didn't even know why I was here. Oh wait I saw my boyfriend with some girl. Never mind. I got out of my car and sat on the hood of it instead. I looked out onto the bay. So calm and peaceful. The lights illuminated the dark city. You could see the bay bridge in the distance.

I opened the bottle and took a drink. I cringed I hadn't had a sip in a long time. Well not that long but still. I rest my elbows on my knees and looked out into the ocean.

I sighed.

I ran my free hand through my hair and took another drink. This time I started coughing. Ugh I drank to fast.

My throat burned and I put the drink down. I took out my phone from my pocket and turned it on. I looked at my notifications and deleted them. I didn't want anything to do with anybody.

I wanted to disconnect from the world completely. A couple hours passed and I was still sitting there. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I opened them and saw the sun starting to come out.

I lifted the vodka bottle and took a picture. I posted it on Instagram and captioned it (it's good to be back in the bay.🍾)

I locked my phone and looked at the sunrise. I took another drink from the bottle. I had a hang over. I didn't just have the vodka bottle. I had like two packs of beer. 🍻

The vodka was just the tip of the iceberg. I rubbed my temples. This hang over sucks. I breathed in deeply which wasn't a good idea.

I jumped off the car and threw up. My stomach felt queasy and my throat burned from throwing up.

I grabbed the vodka bottle and swished the liquid in my mouth I spit it out and wiped my mouth. I straighten up and got inside my car. The smell of the warm air in the car gave me a head ache.

I opened the windows but it didn't help. I felt like throwing up again and got out the car. I doubled over and threw up everything. Which wasn't a lot. I only ate gummy worms and like some other candy.

I cringed at the sight and stood up. I walked towards the car door my legs felt like jelly. I felt my stomach turn and I bent over and threw up.

I tied my hair and took deep breaths. My stomach finally felt fine and I walked towards the back of my car. I took out a water bottle and took a drink. My throat hurt and I felt sick. The hang over was not doing me any favors.

I took another deep breath and got in my car. I drove towards my cousins house. I felt the cold air rush threw the window. I finally got there and locked the car.

I walked up the stairs and opened the door. This idiot really needs to lock her door. I walked in and stopped.

"What the hell are you doing here?"I said looking at the person standing in front of me.

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