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Y/n's pov...

Okay well if Kalin doesn't die when he sees you in this he's crazy."my best friend replied spraying my hair with hair spray.

I laughed.

"Whatever. Now go your gonna be late."I said shoving her out the door.

"Okay ,okay careful. I'm going sheesh."she replied laughing. I watched as she got in the car with her boyfriend.

It was prom!

I had lost a bet with Kalin aka the bad boy of our school. And he bet was if I lost I had to attend prom with him.

And I lost.

I was applying mascara when I heard honks. I walked over to the window and saw Kalin in the car.

He looked up annoyed. He honked a couple more times. I grabbed my long black dress with gold on the top and put it on as fast as I could. I grabbed my heels and put both of them on as well. I grabbed some lipstick and my bag.

I walked downstairs and opened the door.

Kalin was standing there looking annoyed. But he looked handsome in his black tux.

He looked at me up and down.

"You made me wait for this?"he asked pointing at me. I looked down at my dress.


"Whatever it's no use now let's go."Kalin replied annoyed. He walked over to the car and got in.

I sighed and closed the door. I walked over to the car and got in.

Kalin and I got to the hall and he went to go talk to his friends. I was alone at the table. With no one.

For hours I had gotten up six,SIX times to get punch and four times to go to the bathroom. I spent hours on my phone just looking at people's snapchat stories and looking around.

The whole time Kalin was laughing and talking to his friends as well as grinding with some girls.

And I just sat there alone.

"Hey."a voice said making me look away from Kalin and some girl who we're playing a game of who can use more tongue than the other.

I looked over to see a cute blond guy. He was wearing a black tux and his hair was in a cute messy style. He had bright blue eyes and a really, really cute smile.

I smiled.

"Hi."I replied looking at him.

"What's your name?"he asked.

"Y/n. What's yours?"I asked.

"Alex."he replied smiling. He took out his hand and held it towards me.

I took his hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you."I said smiling at him.

"Nice to meet you too."Alex replied sending me a wink. I chuckled.

Alex and I talked for like almost thirty minutes when Kalin came over and interrupted.

"Hey."Kalin replied cutting in Alex and I's conversation.

Alex stopped laughing and I stopped smiling.

"Hey?"I said looking at Kalin.

"It's time to go to the after party. So say good bye to your little friend."Kalin replied exaggerating little.

I sighed. I looked over at Alex and smiled.

"Umm we-we have to get going. Ill see you around Alex."I said getting up.

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