The world to me pt.2

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Kalins pov......

"I hope you enjoyed that kiss because that's the last one you'll ever get. Because the moment you were with her you lost me."Y/n replied letting go of my face roughly. She took a step back and drank from the bottle. She wiped away a tear and walked away.

I sighed and leaned back in the cold probably dirty wall. Why why did I sleep with her? Why did I fuck everything up?! Fuck!

I turned around and punched the wall but instantly regretted it when I felt the pain radiate through out my hand.

It had been months since I'd seen y/n I've seen her Snapchat stories and her Instagram posts..but it wasn't the same. I have to see her.

At least once.

I was in the club Bari was around somewhere. I was sipping my drink while scanning the room. My eyes landed on someone and it instantly broke my heart. Y/n was grinding up on some guy.

I let go of the drink and it fell shattering the glass.

"Sorry excuse me."I said to the people that were in my way.

I reached and turn the girl around.

"Y/n."I said looking at her.

"Sorry man wrong person."the girl replied looking at me.

"Oh sorry."I said walking away. I stood there looking around. I rubbed my face and looked up to see bari.

"Hey you good man?"he asked putting one hand on my shoulder.

"Yea, yea man just got a bit confused for a moment. But nah I'm good."I replied shaking my head.

"Alright well we need some drinks so I'll be right back."he said patting my back. I nodded and he disappeared into the sea of people.

"Jesus."I groaned to myself as I buried my face in my hands.

"Hey can I get two beers. Thanks."a familiar voice said next to me.

I slowly turned to see y/n she left without seeing me. I watched as she walked towards some guy.

She handed him the beer and he took it with a smile. H grabbed her waist and started kissing her. I wanted to rip him off of her so badly.

Instead I drank and drank and drank.

I had been watching y/n and the guy for an hour and a half. And I had had enough. I was drunk but it had given me the liquid citrate I needed to go up to them.

I walked up to y/n and pushed the guy.

"Don't fucking touch her!"I yelled looking at the guy. He looked at me confused.

"Kalin!"y/n yelled stepping in front of me.

"No, no what the hell is your problem man."the guy said pulling y/n to the side so he was in front of me.

"You."I replied pointing at him.

"Your my problem."I towered over him. But he acted so tough. Please I could whoop his ass I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Y/n lets go come with me."I said looking at her. I made a move to get her but the guy stepped in.

"No I think she can decide for her self who she wants to be with. And the way we where before you got here tells me she wants me."he replied with a smirk.

"Y/n."I pleaded. Her eyes looked everywhere but me. Until finally her eyes met mine. But there was something different her eyes were low and glassy as well as red. She had trouble keeping focus on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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