Asleep - PART11

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The next morning, Kate woke and did the last preparations for their ferry, packing books and money in a satchel. Josh woke soon after and got dressed after applying all creams where they needed to go before saying goodbye to his CESP pod which he had to leave behind.

The two made their way downstairs with their several suitcases and bags spread between them. They handed their keys in at reception and waited at the doors for the Allclear signal indicating that they were now within safe hours.

They took the earliest bus to the port for their ferry and loaded into their room for the long cruise.

Josh leaned down placed a kiss Kate's lips. "We're actually doing this."

"Yes we are." Kate replied. She turned and opened a suitcase with a built in fishtank and sprinkled some food flake in.

She felt Josh's heated fingertips on the back of her neck and turned only to be kissed by him again, this time more urgently. He pushed her to the bed, laying her down softly before getting on top of her and kissing that small spot right below her ear which made her breath shudder.

Kate ran her palms down over Josh's chest, snagging his nipples making him catch his breath before she slid her hands down the side of his body to his back, pushing presently on his waistline.

So little time they had spent together and so much about each other they were still to learn, but in that moment they knew all they needed to know about each other. They knew each other's reactions and could predict each other's movements. They were one fluid being in the same way that they were of two independent minds, and it was beautiful.

And I'll tell you, it lasted forever.

The End.

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