Chapter 22

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Everything's put into perspective once I realize this morning Twan's toothbrush isn't in the bathroom. I tear through his drawers and find they aren't full anymore. I should have known. How could I have been so oblivious? I take a deep breath and sit on the edge of the bed, but I can't help the tears that are falling down. I grab my phone, but once I catch a glance of the photo of Twan and I, the tears fall faster. This is all my fault, I need to talk to Twan. The thought of him hating me breaks my heart. My phone starts to go off and Hayes' picture is staring at me. I answer and try to speak, but my voice cracks. Great. "I'm coming over right now", he informs me right away. "No, you don't have to. Really I'm ok Hayes", I try to reassure him, but honestly I think I'm making it worse. "You're lying. Don't lie to me Ab", he says right before the line goes dead.

Not more than ten minutes do I hear my door open, well great I left the door unlocked. Hayes is standing at the bedroom door and stares at me with concern. Then he's holding me against him while I cry. "What's wrong Ab?" he asks while placing kisses on my face. "Twan left", I barely get out. I look up at Hayes and there's confusion written all over his face. Then it dawns on me that he has no idea about anything that's happened this week. I separate from his embrace and turn my body to face his while taking his hands into mine. "Why don't I tell you about my week? Promise me you won't get mad with anyone", I ask Hayes. "Why would I get mad? But I'd love to hear about your week, then again if it's the reason you're crying maybe I don't want to know. How can I promise not to get mad if they're the ones that clearly hurt you? That's why you want me to promise you, right?" he answers with questions. I give his hands a small squeeze then reply, "No one's hurt me Hayes. I'm hurting myself." A frown appears on his face and I take one of my hands out of his to place it on his face. "I'm afraid to tell you that it's not only you that has told me they like me. Johnson told me some time ago, but truly admitted everything to me on Monday. Then there's this thing with Kenny that I'm not sure about, I suppose he admitted to having strong feelings for me on Tuesday. But the thing that's bothering me the most is what happened on Thursday, my day with Twan. Later that day, before I saw you, he told he was in love with me", I finally lay everything out.

Hayes moves away from my touch and takes his hand out of mine. "Let's get this straight, so pretty much all my friends like you? Jeez Abbi this is a lot to lay on me", he tells me, but sounding a bit hurt. "Do you love him?" he asks. I never leave me gaze from him when I reply, "No. When he told me I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. I fear he hates me now and that's why he has left." Hayes finally returns to sit next to me and is the one to take my hand into his. "I'm sure he doesn't hate you, it's Twan we're talking about, but I do think he's hurting. You need to talk to him, maybe not today, but at least tomorrow", he tells me. "I can't blame Johnson and Kenny for liking you. You're pretty likable, but I mean at least you didn't do anything with them", he adds. I bite my lip and look away. Hayes puts his finger under my chin and turns me back to him, while asking, "Right? Nothing happened?" I shake my head no and I feel like crying again, I don't think I can tell Hayes this. "Tell me", he demands as if he can read my thoughts. "I've kissed all of them, even Twan and Jake", I reply finally. Hayes' face displays what he's feeling now, there's pain and sadness. "I'm sorry Hayes", I tell him with sincerity. I wrap my arms around his neck and pretty much climb in his lap. "I'm so sorry", I whisper in his ear. Hayes stays still and doesn't say a word. "Promise me this", he finally says something. I take my arms off of him and sit back down where I was, however he pulls me back on his lap. "Sure Hayes. I promise, what is it?" I ask. He places his hands on my face, making our faces only inches apart. "Promise me I mean something to you and I'm not just imagining all of this", he answers with while taking his hands off of me, but then wrapping me in his arms and placing his forehead onto mine. I frown at his words, he doesn't think I have feelings for him. "Hayes you've meant something to me since our first kiss", I quickly reassure him. "So I promise you Hayes you mean something to me. I'm just trying to figure out how I feel about everyone else", I add. He smiles and leans back, but keeps his arms around me. "That's funny, because I've been yours since that moment", he tells me with that smile still on his face. A deep blush appears on my face and he kisses my cheeks.

"Are you ready to leave for the beach? We should be getting there soon", Hayes asks. I nod and get off the bed to grab my bag. "Let me change into my bathing suit real quick then we can leave", I reply and shoo him out of the room. Once done, I step out and notice that Hayes is already in his swim trunks. Goes to show how much I notice. We walk in silence to the car and in the car ride there, I'm thankful for it though.

We get out and Hayes grabs my bag for me while taking my hand into his other. Carrie greets me with a hug and comments, "I like how yesterday we were all in dresses and now in bikini's." I laugh along with her and say, "It's been a crazy week like that." She smiles at me and walks ahead. Ashlee is next to approach, she gives Hayes a smile and introduces herself. "Can we talk?" she asks once Hayes goes to get a drink. I nod and reply, "Of course, you know I consider you a friend." She gives me a grateful smile, then sighs before saying, "I'm saying this as your friend Abbi. This week I've taken notice how you interact with all your guests. I don't know if you knew this, but I saw you on Monday share a kiss with that Jack boy, but even before that I saw the two of you looking at each other when you were eating. Then on Tuesday, I saw you kiss Kenny and when he was singing to you. I saw the way the two of you were looking at each other. Abbi I'm worried, I know that Chance hurt you and I don't want to see you get hurt again. Be careful with those boys. Don't even get me started with how last night you and Cameron almost kissed. Why did you look the other way?" If this was a cartoon, I believe this moment would be where their mouths hit the floor in shock. Ashlee has seen everything. Never once did it occur to me someone could be watching. "I didn't want to add Cameron to a list of people of Jake's friends that I've kissed", I reply. Ashlee gives me a small comforting smile while hugging me. "Can I give my opinion about everyone you've taken?" she asks. I laugh and reply, "Sure go ahead." She laughs along and says, "I know you haven't been here long, but Hayes hasn't stopped looking at you. He's wearing one those smiles that people can't help but wear when they see something that makes them happy. That's the way I want a guy to look at me." I gasp and I turn to where Ashlee has glanced at, sure enough Hayes is standing there with that smile. We laugh again, then she walks off to say hi to others. I run up to Hayes and jump in his arms. "When did you take your shirt off?" I ask while wrapping my arms around him. He laughs and asks, "The more important question is when are you going to take your shirt off?" I playfully smack him and step back to pull my shirt over so it's just my bathing suit. This only leaves Hayes speechless. He takes my hand and kisses the back of it, before he wraps his arm around my shoulder and we walk towards the others.


Thank you again everyone that's reading! I'm so happy that in only three chapters This Summer has gained over 500 reads!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you guys truly.

This chapter is dedicated to Hayes of course, this chapter really does display a lot of emotions they're both feeling. 

The next chapter is the last of the "Dash Celebration".....then the chapter after that everyone will know who Abbi likes.

Until next week :)

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