B.R.O.N.X by swaggiebiebsie Slovak translate

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"Každé dievča chce zlého chlapca, ktorý bude dobrý len pre ňu"

Aj napriek faktu, že obaja žijú v New York City, Brooklyn a Justin nemajú nič spoločné. Kým Justin robí nemožné aby prežil, Brooklyn má všetko o čo si zažiada.
Čo sa stane keď dobré, bohaté, ockovo dievčatko stretne drsného, nebezpečného chalana z Bronxu?

Budú lietať iskry alebo vybuchovať bomby?
V každom prípade to všetko skončí v ohni.

Story written by swaggiebiebse
Promo video by @TheBieberSlayer


Translated by @GabbieMikaelson aka adminka *Gab*

COPYRIGHT: This story, "B.R.O.N.X" including all chapters, prologues/epilogues and associated content (i.e fanfics, teasers and content within blogs, social networks and eReaders) is copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of this work (swaggiebiebsie/Sonia) and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.

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