3 // intimate

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Its weird. Having him in my place, I feel as though I've imagined it all. He doesn't seem real, more like a hallucination from lack of sleep.

"What are you thinking about?" He says to me, intently studying my face.

I shrug and pull a piece of paper from my pocket, then place myself in a comfortable spit on the couch and begin rolling the paper.

"How have you been?" I asked calmly, more focused on the paper than him as he sits next to me.

"Busy. Very busy, You?" He asks then begins looking through his phone.

"Ive been seeing a shrink." I shrug. "Theo."

From the corner of my eye I see him give me what seems a pitiful stare then puts his phone on my coffee table.

"Oh. Wanna share anything?" He asks casually, im not sure if its only to be polite or if he's genuinely concerned for me.

"No, I don't really want to discuss the past few months at all." I throw the now rolled paper to the table and readjust my sitting position.

He nods as if he understands my wishes, but his focus seem off a bit.

"Hows the album thing going?" Small talk has never been my strong suit and my attempt is pathetic, but Id prefer this over silence.

He shrugs and keeps his focus on a spot over my shoulder. I turn to see what he's looking at. A small pile of crushed papers upon a shelf seems to have peeked his interest.

I get up and walk to the shelf.

"Staring is impolite" i say, mocking what he had said a while back, when we were okay.

"Why are you hoarding crumbled paper?" He smirks a little as if this amuses him.

"I just like to keep things." I shrug and swipe the paper off of the shelf so he cant see them from his angle.

"Whats on them?" He asks, getting up from his spot. I roll my eyes and sigh lightly.

"Drawings on most of them." I speak softly then kneel on the floor, pick up a wad and flattening it. He kneels on the opposite side of the pile and looks at me.

"Can I look?" He puts his hand out, small callouses noticeable on them.

I look to the one I was holding and examine it. Its a sketch of the photo I posted a while ago with me on his back, but its more cartoon styled and though complimenting your own art is highly narcissistic, id say it's quite lovely.

I hand him the paper and begin picking at the spotty nail polish left on my nails.

He looks over it and smiles.

"I didn't know you could draw." He grins widely at it.

"Oddly theres a lot you don't know about me." I smile back.

"Touché." He says and his smile drops a bit.

I pick up another paper and open it revealing a page full of what seems to be mindless rambling amongst sketches. If it weren't mine I would think the person was mad.

Maybe I should think that Im mad, lost my head a bit?

He looks at me and his brow furrows.

"Can we get out of the house for a bit? I want to take you somewhere." I say then put the paper off to the side.

He eyes me as if im speaking a different language and nods.

"Lets go."

Re-wrote this chapter to be more intricate. I hope you like it.

Its leading to some more backstory within the past few months of her life, which will open some up about his.

Love u

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