17// out

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"Your fans are insane" I sit down on Matty's bony lap and he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah" he nods and twirls his hair. "Australia is wild."

"Well so are you." I pick at the strings on my pants aimlessly.

"You love it, dont deny it." He whispers deeply

"Its pretty accurate if I do say so myself." I shrug

His hand touches my back and he smiles smugly at me, he looks so innocent and happy.

"Lets go get something to eat before we have to leave?" He asks sweetly.

"Sure, but how exactly do we do that?" I giggle before standing up and lifting the blinds of the tour bus exposing the mob of girls that let out a squeal when they notice movement.

"Sneak through the front of the venue and get a car?" He raises an eyebrow, and i put my thumb up indicating that the plan sounds good enough.

He coordinates his plan with his security, mark. Then throws on a black hoodie and ties his hair up, i follow suit with my hair and wrap an arm around his waist. We walk from the bus to the dressing room in the back of the venue where everyone else has been sittingz

"You look nice with your hair back, i like to see your eyes." I grin.

"You always look nice J." He kisses my forehead and moves away from me to talk to George, and Ross. I dont see adam anywhere but hes probably off doing whatever it is he does.

I dont know probably tuning a guitar or something.

Matty turns back to me and we walk toward the front of the venue as the crew works to dismantle the set, and equipment before we have to leave later tonight.

Matty slides his hood up and grabs my hand as we reach the door.

"Dont say your name, dont say my name. We walk to the car out front without a sound. Deal?" He sounds suddenly so serious and its slightly frightening. I nod and we begin walking out the door.

Theres a few girls scattered on the sidewalk all of which aren't paying to much attention, as we get to the black car without anyone noticing. Matty whispers something to the driver and then sits back with me.

He pulls out little bottles of tequila, like the first date we had amd smiles a toothy smile.

"One for you, one for me." He hands me one.

"No blindfold this time around?" I smirk

"Cant reuse all of my old tricks." He winks

"New and improved?" I giggle

"Maybe not new, but definitely improved."

Hi sorry its been so long i just havent had time yanno?

Also sorry that this chapter is lowkey kinda shitty, and im rlly high and not thinking straight but ❤️

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