24// Happy

526 19 4

(Okay its taken me forever to upload this, I know. And this chapter is messy as fuck, but im gonna try writing a little more very soon. Im just v busy at the moment and getting my shit together. Enjoy xoxo)

I wake up to the moon glowing through the blinds and the white walls reflecting the strung lights hung carelessly.

All I hear is the sound of a piano coming from the corner of the room and quiet mumbling. He must be writing something, it's undoubtedly beautiful.

I turn over and see his silhouette sitting slouched on a small chair. The room smells of weed and his shampoo. Im wrapped tightly in his hoodie, London weather is so cold.

As I sit up he turns around startled by the sound of movement, I think he'd forgotten I was here.

He smiles his sweet toothy smile at me and motions for me to come over to him. I slowly make my way up and over towards him.

He doesn't stand but instead hugs my waist resting his head on my chest while looking up at me. I wrap my hands into his hair and lean over to give him a small kiss.

As I pull away his teeth grab my lip and he giggles a bit.

"What are you doing awake?" I whisper into his lips.

"Couldn't sleep. Watched you sleep for a while, even traced the lines on your hands for a bit. You wouldn't wake up no matter how much I poked and prodded, so I found the most obnoxiously beautiful way to wake you up." He grins.

"Well, continue playing. I love watching you." I sit down on the floor and lay my head on his leg.

"If you insist, J." He begins fumbling over the keys until he realizes what he wants to play.

"You're really just gonna play twinkle twinkle little star right now?" I laugh.

He gets so giddy and child like as he starts singing the words to the nursery rhyme.

"You're ridiculous." I roll my eyes before joining in on the words and the room fills with laughter, and children's music.

Eventually he runs out of songs that he currently finds amusing and he joins me on the floor. He puts his finger on my bottom lip and pulls it down. Then he inches his hand towards my jaw and pulls my mouth to his.

"You're the light of my life." He says with a serious gleam in his eyes. "And you're all mine. My girl, my love, my best friend."

"I think George beats my on the best friend list." I giggle.

"Close, but I dont fuck George so he's not as beneficial." He shrugs and laughs a little.

"Well, im glad I can provide you with all services." I smile.

"Speaking of 'all services'" he grins and pulls the sweatshirt of his that im wearing off of me quickly.

He sits back for a moment looking at me in the dim lighting

"You're beautiful" he whispers

"Oh shut up, I love you." I roll my eyes at him again and climb on top of him.

"I love you more."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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