4 // games

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"You're joking right?" He looks at me with a smirk on his face as we stand outside of a posh looking bowling alley.

I grab his hand and pull him through the doors that open to a loud room with lots of flashing lights. The immediate smell of beer and shoe freshener fills the air. I wave at the manager who is sitting behind the desk and approach him, Matty's hand still in mine.

"Will you have Elliot bring us two glasses of red wine in about 10 minutes?" I ask with a smile as Matty grins giddily at me, he looks so nice when he's confused. I wish I would've surprised him more often.

The man behind the desk nods, looks to Matty then wink at me. I giggle and begin pulling him toward the back of the building.

"What are we doing?" He giggles as we stop in front of two blackened doors.

I turn to him and smile widely

"This is my favorite place. This is the first time im sharing this with anyone so please let me live." I smile and try my best at remaining completely serious.

I put my pinky out towards him and he looks at me as if I were insane.

"Pinky promises are a very high form of trust Matthew, without them the world wouldn't go round." I nod and present my pink more aggressively as he smiles at me.

"I pinky promise I will allow you to live, in your favorite place." And chuckles as he grips my pinky with his.

We simultaneously nod and I pull the door open and motion him into a large, bright, and loud arcade with games lining the walls. He glances around in awe as I grab his hand again and pull him to the machine where we receive the card for games.

"Why choose the most posh arcade in town?" He asks as I swipe my card to reload it.

"All the other ones smell weird." I giggle as I slide a 10 dollar bill, followed by a 20 into the cash slot.

"Understandable. This one has an exceptional scent." He shrugs and mirrors my excitement.

He loads his card then I pull him toward a racing game, which is essential to all arcades.

We both sit down in our individual seats and swipe our cards, he looks so young and its beautiful to see someone you love look genuinely happy. So carefree. Its moments like this that i genuinely enjoy life, living life with out the stigmas surrounding it.

Its essentially living life and treating it as such.

"What?" He asks looking so beautifully young.

"Nothing, just wondering why you picked the ugly car." I grin sarcastically.

"Should we pick the easy map? I don't want you to have a hard time now, love." He says browsing through the selections.

"If you think you even remotely have a chance against me, your dead wrong. Pick the paris map, oh how'd id love to go to paris again." I say as sweetly as possible as he goes through to find it.

"Good luck, you'll need it." He winked at me as the screen began counting down from 5


We sit on the bench in front of the wheel of fortune game sipping our 3rd glass of wine and arguing about the answer.

"Its clearly indian ocean see." I point at the screen without touching it.

"You were wrong the last 4 rounds, I'm not trusting you again." He argues back then pressed the 'j'

The screen immediately shows an 'x' sign, signaling its wrong then shows the correct answer.

"I fucking told you!!" I shout in a hushed tone.

"I hate you." He shakes his head and looks directly at me, more so through me.

"I hate you too, you prick. Lets go to the ticket stand so you can get some Justin Bieber stickers or something as a souvenir." I smile then walk a few feet to the ticket stand where an attractive woman named Violet is sitting patiently.

Matty smirks at her and his eyes drift over her body lazily making me slightly uncomfortable, i know we aren't together and i know it happens, but i refuse to witness it.

"Hello." He slightly slurs in a tipsy state

"Hello." She says back perking up as she notices him, looking over him.

"I think he wants that fairy outfit, hes into the real soft s&m type of thing." He point at a pastel mint and pink tutu accompanied by a wand and tiara.

She awkwardly smiles

"And for you?" Her voice sounds tense and shes obviously uncomfortable.

Matty glances at me and grins devilishly.

"She will take the stuffed snake, as she has a stuffed animal fetish as well as a snake fetish." He looks back at me "2 in 1!!" He smiles at me and we hand her our cards to cash in our tickets.

She received our prizes and hands them to us. We smile and nod and walk toward the exit.

"Fairies? Really?" He mumbles at me as he looks over the box containing a 'full fairy set' for ages '5+'

"Oh I could say the same about snakes." I giggle and slightly tap him him the snake.

He laughs and throws his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him as we walk.

We both wave at the manager as we walk out the doors and the music fades out.

"That was lovely, Thank you." He smiled down at me.

"No, thank you." I smile back at him. His face drifts closer to mine and I casually pull away. "We should not drive home, were drunk and you need to get home or wherever it is your staying these days." I whisper.

He nods looking slightly disappointed.

I begin walking backward in the direction of the road.

"Bye." I wave and he smiles then rushes toward me.

His arm wrap around my body and his scent fills my nose. After a brief hug he pulls away.

"Come to Australia with us and do my makeup." He slurs.

I nod a bit. Well shit a free trip seems marvelous.

"Sounds fabulous." I grin

I just realized i never rlly wrote them a proper date/ hangout without really any drama sooo

Kinda a filler but its also showing who she is beyond who youve already seen. Dont worry im gonna put some good shit with matty in

Also i met them last week so thats cool as fuck.

And the new album is bomb

Do you guys like this story so far?

Sorry im inconsistent with updates but fuck at least i try

I luv u

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