6 // talk

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Honestly I love the feeling of being cold. As long as its a pleasant cold, the kind when your spine chills and your your hair stands. Thats how I feel, standing on the curb outside my apartment building. Two black suitcases sit next to me, cigarette hanging from my cracked lips.

He said he'd be here 10 minutes ago, its quite ridiculous. He hates people being late, yet he always seems to be just that.

Every time I see a shiny black car come around the corner I stiffen in preparation for him to be here, its pathetic. I know.

"Boo" I jump at the sudden grab of my shoulders.

"Fuck you!" I say angrily through my teeth.

He takes the cigarette from my lips and places in between his. He looks so nice, wild hair and shining aviators. He grins at me childishly.

"How did you get here?" I fold my arms to assert myself.

"Theres this thing, you may not have heard of it yet its pretty new! Its called driving!!" He says sarcastically.

"Very funny. Where'd you park?" I raise my eyebrows at him he smiles, then grabs the handle of one of bags.

"Follow the leader" he says sweetly then begins walking toward, what im guessing would be his car.

"So Matthew, whens the flood?" I giggle to myself, after noticing that his pants were a bit high.

"Tomorrow night, gotta prepare ya know." He throws my half smoken, stolen cigarette to the ground.

We walk up to a white van, where Ross is standing out on the side of it talking on the phone. Smiling. He looks so good. He nods and grins at me to acknowledge my presence and I return the gesture.

Matty opens the doors, and they creak a bit making us both laugh a little.

"Such a high class ride." I smirk and pull my self into the van. Adam is in the front row lacing a shoe. He looks up at me and smiles widely.

"JULIE!!" He sounds tired, looks great though. They all look so good it makes me feel nice to be around them. He puts his hand up, asking for a high five.

"ADAM!!" I say back and high five him before finding a seat right behind him.

George is in the row behind me, headphones on and his head buried in a laptop. He doesn't even look up to say hi.

"So hows tour been so far?" I ask Adam while he continues to lace his shoes.

"Its been sick! The album comes out next month, I cant wait to finally drop it. Its driving Matty and Jamie crazy honestly." He shakes his head a bit.

"I cant wait to hear it!" I smile and look down at my phone, I texted lex this morning saying im leaving. I didnt give any detail, in fear she'd try to stop me.

"What have you been doing the past few months?" He asks tearing my focus from Instagram.

"Oh you know. Working, smoking, living." I laugh a little "id ask you the same question but I already know that answer"

Matty pulls himself into the van and occupies the seat next to me.

"Hey losers." He smiles "its lit in here"

"You're a freak." Adam laughs

"You're a nerd." Matty snaps back playfully

This should be good fun.


Hi. Im not overly happy with this chapter but i wanted to get something up, so i could move towards the good stuff. Mostly a filler/relationship builder.

Tbh idk.

I had a really good long chapter last night, but i cant seem to get it as good as it was :)))))

Thanks for reading/voting love uu

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